  • 學位論文


The Study of the Role of Minority Groups in the Policy Making Process:The Case of the Demolition and Transference of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


弱勢團體的權益向來難以成為政策制訂過程的核心議題,但在政策制訂的實然過程中,大多數的弱勢團體會藉助協力團體或其他社會結構進行抗爭,並常引發衝突。本文以樂生療養院拆遷為例,從政府機關以重大公共建設為由,對樂生院及院民進行拆遷政策,而引發的一連串抗爭,最後公共建設延宕,院民怨聲四起,從而思考公共利益和弱勢團體權益是否永遠都是一場零和賽局。 本研究採個案研究法,以樂生療養院為研究單位,進行參與式觀察、個人深度訪談,並蒐集院民訪談、檔案文件和田野工作日誌等資料,以落實研究立論基礎。再以三個層面進行分析:拆遷政策制訂的方向及引發的爭議、院民的生命安養需求及人權問題,以及政策制訂過程中應考量之政策倫理及公平正義之價值概念。 透過樂生療養院個案,分析各利害關係人在政策制訂過程中的地位與影響,並且試圖建構與解釋描述利害關係人在政策制訂過程中的互動過程,繼而檢討政策制訂過程對於弱勢團體自主性之忽略,並且提出改進建議,俾供決策當局參考。在闡述利害關係人在政策制訂過程中的動態地位時,特別重視政策制訂所應關注的政策倫理面向,本文以約翰羅爾斯理論核心「兩個正義原則」等相關理論加以論證,並以Cooper倫理決策模式作為衡量拆遷樂生療養院政策,是否符合公平正義之標準。 研究發現顯示,協力團體或其他社會結構組織的參與啟發了院民意識,院民與各團體亦成為互利共生的結盟模式,從而引發媒體輿論的報導,對樂生院的保留拆遷運動,分別在人權、古蹟及法律保障上有某些程度的進展,但也突顯政策制訂過程中的瑕疵點。對於公共利益及公平正義的衝突取捨,政府機關不能以重大公共建設為由等負面偏差性的組織動員策略,對付弱勢團體的議題訴求,在政策建議中逐一提出。


The rights of minority groups are hardly the core issues in the policy making process. However, in the practical policy making process, most of minority groups would ally with assistant groups or other social structures to protest, which usually lead to conflicts. The thesis takes the demolition and transference of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium as a case study, in which the government enforces the demolition and transference of the Sanatorium for the reason of major public construction, and the series of protests that ensued. Consequently, public construction was delayed and the residents’ complaints were non-top. This research attempts to determine whether the struggle between public benefit and the right of minority groups is always a zero-sum game. The research utilizes the case study method, and takes Lo-Sheng Sanatorium as the research unit for participant observation and individual in depth interview. The collection of the interview of residents, related literatures and field survey observation records will be analyzed in three dimensions: 1. The controversy arisen from the demolition policy making process. 2. Residents’ demand of caring and human rights, 3. The policy ethics, morality and justice which should be considered during the process of policy making. The position and influences of the interested parties can be analyzed through the case of Lo-Sheng Sanatorium. In addition, the thesis attempts to construct and explain the interaction in the policy making process. With reviewing the neglect of autonomy of a minority group, we can provide improvement advices to the supervisory. While the relative positions of interested parties is described in the thesis, the dimension of policy ethics is considered especially important. The thesis takes John Rawls’ “Two concept of rules” as the core theory to be verified and measures whether Lo-Sheng Sanatorium demolition and transference policy is in accordance with the standard of justice with Cooper’s Ethics Decision making model. The research result reveals that the participant of assistant groups and other social structures inspired residents’ awareness and the alliance of residents and other groups has become a symbiosis mode and draws the attention of mass media and society. The protest of retaining Lo-Sheng improved the protection of human rights, historical site, and legal protection, but also reveals the flaws in the policy making process. This research will present relevant suggestions, which illustrates that when facing the conflict of public benefit and justice, the government can not use the bias mobilization strategy when making policy that is against the request of minority groups in the name of public construction.




許程富(2014)。再現樂生院─ 從報導文學到口述歷史〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613584297
