  • 學位論文


A study on financial consumer dispute resolution - Focusing on the Laws and Regulations of the United Kingdom and the U.S.

指導教授 : 杜怡靜


在現今之台灣,各式各樣的衍生性金融商品成為理財專員的銷售手法,金融消費者可以從各金融機構購買到各種金融商品,由於金融消費者在購買產品之前較有可能遭到不實資訊之隱瞞及誤導,故金融消費者保護之議題愈顯重要,世界各國也逐漸重視金融商品消費者保護問題,金融服務業及相關從業人員之規範更是金融消費者最重要之保護機制。而關於金融消費者穴所遇到之爭議,各申訴機關制度與管道皆未能統一,金融消費者遇此爭議時,常不知該找哪一種申訴機關做申訴已達權利之保障,導致求助無門的困境。我國於今年正式施行金融消費者保護法,後續如何整合金融服務市場中金融消費者保護措施與法規,以提供金融消費者簡易且公平之金融消費爭議處理機制,為本文探討之重點。 本文用比較法學之研究方法,先藉由比較法之觀點來探究我國法現行法制之優劣。藉由外國法之比較,分析我國對於金融消費者之保護機制是否充足,以及是否須參考外國法之規範模式,作為我國將來立法修改之建議。由於我國之金融消費者保護法係採英國公評人制度及新加坡金融消費爭議制度所設,因此藉由英國對於金融消費者保護機制之法規範內容,作為我國法金融消費者保護法之比較參考,並加入美國金融消費者保護之大致措施,藉由此比較法之分析,使得我國對於金融消費者保護議題更加重視,以達成保護消費者、穩定金融市場之目標。


Today in Taiwan, the combination of derivative financial instruments has become more complex. Financial consumers can buy a variety of financial products from every kind of financial institutions. In relative of financial institutions, financial consumers have lack of information of the financial products. As a result, every country pays more attention to the protection of financial consumers; in other words, the protection of financial consumers becomes more and more important. The regulation of financial institutions and their agents is also one of the former protections of financial consumers. Because of the different systems of appeals in every financial institution, financial consumers could not know which authorities they can appeal to when they facing the latter of disputes on the financial consumption. The main point of my thesis is about whether the Financial Supervisory Commission should establish an independent bureau of financial-consumer protection, and how to conform all sorts of financial laws and regulations.


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9、陳佑寰,投資人保護與金融消費者保護法--以連動債紛爭解決為例,會計研究月刊 2011年07月。
