  • 學位論文


A Study on the She-tou and Cǎi -pai in Da-xi during the Japanese Colonial Period

指導教授 : 俞美霞


大溪社頭及彩牌之發生,正是大溪過往繁華史的最佳見證,隨時間遞嬗,造就大溪人文、產業、交通的發展,日治時期大正、昭和年間正是大溪的繁榮年代,而在繁榮的背後,支撐著人民為大溪打拼的動力實是信仰的力量,因而有社頭之發聲,加上此時期台灣廟會祭典頻繁,廟會的審查制及各社頭間互相較勁的心態,促使各社頭在其文物上力求精美細緻,彩牌因此得以大量流行。 究其功能性與藝術性,彩牌,是一面信仰與美學結合之木雕作品,代表的是社頭與社頭所祀奉之神明,為出陣時的開路牌,其上所雕飾之戲齣及吉祥紋飾,更是社頭精神的體現,可謂是社頭的門面,於是各社頭為表示對神明的敬意及展現社頭的財力、凝聚力,經濟力豐沛的社頭無不雕造精雕細琢的彩牌,也因所處時代之背景為漢和共存之年代,其彩牌具漢文化與東洋文化之質素。 日治時期成立之社頭,至今尚存15社,當時有12社曾雕有彩牌,但目前僅存8舖,已有4舖毀損,如不加以文化保存,彩牌勢必將消失於時代洪流之中,筆者冀能借此論文,將現存8舖做一記錄與分析,期冀能將這份日治時期的木雕精品成為大溪人共同的文化印記。


大溪 社頭 彩牌 日治時期 普濟堂


Da-xi she-tou and cǎi -pais were developed during a prosperous period of Da-xi. The local culture, industry, and transportation of the Da-xi area all grew substantially during the Japanese colonial period; it was supported by the local residents and by their faith. The cǎi -pais gained popularity because of its exquisite beauty and artistic details, as they were displayed during the she-tou it also brought out the friendly competitiveness between various temples in Taiwan. It was for these various reasons that the cǎi –pai gained their reputation and popularity. Originally, the cǎi -pais were religious icons as well as works of art, the carvings represented a temple’s wealth and all the deities which resided within that particular temple. As the banner lead the temple processions there were many religious and auspicious details of the temple which had to be included on the banner, it was often the first impression given of a temple and also was a demonstration of the temple’s fidelity to its deities and a representation of financial wealth. The carvings also depicted the coexistence of the local and Han cultures, an important aspect of Oriental culture during those times. During the Japanese colonial period there were at least 15 temples and 12 temples which had cǎi -pais, however currently there are only 8 cǎi -pais remaining and of them 4 are damaged. If these are not preserved as part of the culture heritage they will soon be lost due to the slow erosion of time. For the purpose of this thesis, this author will record and analyze the remaining 8 cǎi -pais in hopes of creating a record of these artifacts from the Japanese colonial period and preserve the culture of Da-xi.


Da-xi she-tou cǎi -pais Japanese colonial period pǔji tang


● 賴明珠,〈形式.變貌:大溪木器形式風格之探索〉,《民俗曲藝166》
● 施聖文,〈土牛、番界、隘勇線:劃界與劃線〉,《國家與社會5》2008(12):
● 賴明珠,〈原型與變異—試論戰前大溪木器產業的源起與開展〉,《民俗曲藝
● 李文良,〈日治時期台灣林野鋞營之展開過程—以大嵙崁(桃園大溪)地區
