  • 學位論文


Legal Perspectives on Trading of Remanufactured Goods

指導教授 : 王震宇


再製造的具有許多優點,是以生產流程所推動的物質循環方式,其較傳統製造於生產階段消耗更少的能源與原料,且於生產過程產生較少汙染,有益於開發中國家,對勞工之議題也有貢獻。 二手品可認作是「終期產品」的統稱,只要是被原消費者釋出皆屬之,其進入市場或直接回到企業手中後,依其狀態決定要施以何種「產品回復程序」,若無使用價值,則成為廢棄物。廢棄物依用途分為「可修復廢棄物」、「不可修復廢棄物」,二手品依「品質」、「擔保」、「修復程序」區分為「直接重複使用二手品」、「修理品」、「修復品」、「再製品」。而所有上述分類,應該都納入國際貿易政策的制定上,現行的各國實踐,多僅侷限在「新品—二手品—廢棄物」三種不精確分類來制定貿易規範。 由於再製品及其原料「毛胚」並不存在可參考的多邊準則,許多國家仍然將再製品分類為二手品,並將毛胚視為劣質二手品,而實施進口限制,並存在繁瑣不一的行政程序。國際間的談判近年來以美國為首,其於所簽署的FTA中納入再製品規定,起到指標性作用。更將再製品貿易的自由化帶入WTO、APEC等國際場域上進行討論,冀望透過多邊談判架構,能去除部分國家如中國、巴西、印度對於再製品所加諸的非關稅貿易障礙;並認可再製品對環境帶來的助益;同時視再製品與新品相同待遇;並建立一便利的逆物流系統。


Remanufacture is in fact benefit to all walks of life, given that it is a proactive way to closing the loop by product manufacturing rather than resorting to new products production. Combined with the energies and raw materials saving from the production of similar new goods, less polluting during the whole processes, and the contribution to labor and environmental issues as well, the advantage of remanufacture cannot be overlooked. Usually the used goods can be seemed as the synonym of end-of-life products, only if they are released from the customers, be it physically wore down or under the functional obsolescence. All depending on its condition after returning to the recycle sites, the procedures of product recovery applied to the used goods can vary from a range of options. Only those which contained enough residual values to be qualified as economically viable would be designated to proper recovery processes. Others were then deemed waste and subject to environmental-friendly dispositions. Along with the efforts to distinguish different kinds of wastes setting out from waste management, the remaining type of end-of-life goods assigned to relative phases within reverse logistics was largely ignored by most governments. Many so often the current state practices tend to simplified the types of end-of-life products under the single tariff nomenclature, and risk losing the value attached to the nuance in between. The separation of used goods to remanufactured goods, recovered goods, repaired goods and beyond should be adopt to the international trade system. Current state practices were proved significant short of accuracy and no longer serve the needs of proper categorization comes from the different level of product recovery provided to the used goods. As this research proposed, there should be a proper categorization within the products of after-markets, and no less favorable treatment applied to those likeness goods accordingly.


Remanufactured Goods Used Goods WTO APEC FTA GATT National Treatment waste


周旭華,世貿組織與其他國際組織之合作: 政經背景、法律基礎與效能影響,頁97,全球政
溫裕弘、郭育孟,廢棄電子資訊物品逆物流回收之需求分析與預測- 以台灣地區為例,中華
