  • 學位論文


The “English Malady” in the eighteenth Century England

指導教授 : 李若庸 楊彥彬


本篇論文探討十八世紀在英國特別盛行疾病—「英國病」(The English Malady)與其文化意義。「英國病」事實上代表著「脾臟憂鬱病」(Spleen)、「幻想憂鬱病」(Vapour)、「妄想憂鬱病」(Hypochodriac)、「憂鬱病」(Melancholy)及「歇斯底里病」。本篇論文的主要目的在於,整理「英國病」與十八世紀的社會文化關係,透過當時期刊、報紙、私人信件、著作、醫書及藝術作品等,從中了解「英國病」與十八世紀的社會文化背景的關聯。現今多數的研究成果著重「英國病」的現象描述及醫學理論變遷探討,對於「英國病」的歷史背景及緣由方面的分析比較貧乏。希望能結合十八世紀社會文化的氛圍研究、醫者與病患間的互動及「英國病」醫學理論的分析等議題,試圖釐清當時社會文化如何解釋「英國病」。 本篇論文除了導論和結論外,主要可以分為五章,分別是「定義『英國病』」、「『英國病』的醫學理論」、「『英國病』的醫病關係」、「易罹患『英國病』的族群」、「眾人眼中的『英國病』」。第一章由英國人與外國人對於「英國病」的印象構成以及採取的面對態度。在第二章的部份,主要的焦點,會放在解釋「英國病」的界定變化上。第三章則是「英國病」醫學理論的分析。第四章以假裝患有「英國病」的現象為楔子,剖析兩種「英國病」的高危險族群—有才能者及女性。第五章以醫者與病患間的互動建構更深層的「英國病」印象。本論文希望藉由這些,不論是當時專業的醫學理論,還是一般市井小民對於「英國病」的描述,更加貼近十八世紀的「英國病」印象,並從中發掘「英國病」的特殊時代意義。


憂鬱病 伽尼 英國病 動物精神 體液 神經 體質


This study discusses the mysterious disease, addressed as vapors, spleen, hysteria, or even melancholy, which proved all-pervasive in the eighteenth century England that it able to call the “English Malady.” Although there are already some studies about this disorder, most works describe the phenomenon and medical theories about this distemper rather than the cause and origin of the disease itself. Moreover, the historical background and ambience of this malady has hardly been touched upon. The first section of this thesis analyses the various interpretations of the “English Malady”, including the “consumption,” the “scurvy” and the melancholy. The second section indicates how medical theories explain this distemper. The interplay which Roy Porter views as a pivotal factor to clarify the mystery of the “English Malady” between patients and medical practitioners forms the basis in Chapter three. Chapter four examines a special group of patients, mostly intellectuals and women, who pretend to be vexed about the “English Malady.” In Chapter five this thesis presents various account of the impression and reflection of this disease from native Englishmen and tourists. This thesis aim to shed some light on the issue about the mould process of the “English Malady” and to give this disease the significance and weight it deserves.


Melancholy Cheyne the English Malady animal spirits humor nerve constitution


Hamilton, Bernice, “The Medical Professions in the Eighteenth Century”, The Economic History Review, New Series, vol.4, No.2, 1951, 141-169.
MacDonald, Michael, “The Medicalization of Suicide in England: Laymen, Physician, and Culture Change, 1500-1870”, The Milbank Quarterly, vol.67, 1989, 69-91.
Arikha, Noga, Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours, New York: Ecco, 2007.
Black, Jeremy, Britain in the age of Walpole, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1984.
George, Mary Dorothy, Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum,1784-1792, vol. 6, London: Printed by order of the Trustees, 1938.

