  • 學位論文

地主國通路夥伴選擇與關係管理之研究- 以醫療器材個案公司為例

A Study on host channel partmer selection and the relationship management – A case of medical devices

指導教授 : 林婷鈴


行銷通路是廠商在接近市場時,具關鍵性的決定因素之一,對公司的行銷決策有深遠的影響。全球化發展形成市場快速變遷,原本相互獨立的各國市場因區域經濟發展,合併成一個巨大的全球市場,透過全球擴張,企業間彼此競爭著全球市場的佔有率。多國籍企業在豐沛資源的支持下,研發與良好的產品品質已奠定良好的競爭基礎,然而在地主國極度競爭的環境下,且涉及地主國法律體制、文化差異與當地市場需求條件差異時,當地通路夥伴的配合,往往才是企業獲利的重要決勝點。因此,多國籍原廠供應商要如何選擇合適的合作夥伴並做好通路關係管理,進而創造出價值鏈的競爭優勢,成為本研究主要研究的議題。 本研究研究範圍為醫療器材產業,以質性個案分析研究方式進行,探討多國籍原廠供應商與其在地主國經銷通路間選擇彼此合作的因素與關係維護管理。從個案公司目前採行方式深入分析,以通路權力結構探討通路夥伴選擇與建構的談判力,進而選取適當的通路夥伴,建立高依賴度的合作關係,在雙方平分利益,雙邊運作配合意願高的情況下,更進一步進行上下游的策略聯盟以期建立長期穩固的合作關係。另外,對於該產業企業及未來研究方向,本研究亦提出建議發展方向,冀能作為企業未來發展或尋找適當通路夥伴及關係維護管理的參考依據。


Marketing channel is the crucial factor of marketing decisions when a company approaches the market, and has a profound impact. The market evolves rapidly from globalization. Each national independent market is combined into one huge global market through global expansion, intense competition among enterprises for a share of global market. Multinational enterprises have rich resources to develop R&D and produce high quality products, but face of extreme competition in the host country industry environment due to the host country’s legal system, cultural differences and differences in local market demand. So the local channel partners are very important to multinational enterprises. Therefore, multinational suppliers need to choose suitable partners and manage relations with local channel partners. These topics are the major issues of this study. The scope of this study is the medical devices industry. Case study analysis method was used to investigate the reasons why multinational supplier have chosen their local channel partners and how they maintained the relationship between them. Deep analysis from the case study companies with the current adopted solution, bargaining power, channel partner selection and construction based on power structure of channels will be discussed. The appropriate channel partners are chosen as well as building up the cooperation relationship with a high degree of independence. Under the situation of equal profit share and a high willingness to cooperate with each other, strategic alliances are set within the value chain in order to establish long-term stable cooperative relations. On the other hand, this study proposes the market development direction to the medical device enterprises, and also provides suggestions for future research. This research could help the enterprise to find the direction for future development or find the way to select appropriate channel partners and maintain the channel relationship.


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