  • 學位論文


Incorporating Green Building Consideration into Environmental Impact Assessment - Proposition and Implementation

指導教授 : 李育明


我國目前環境影響評估作業體系已建立之多種審議規範與技術規範當中,尚缺乏有關建築物評估技術規範或建議,於環境影響評估審議作業體系內評估有關建築物之興建開發時,不免有考量未盡周延之虞,故建築物評估技術規範或建議事項亟需建立,並納於環境影響評估作業體系內。 目前綠建築在推動上主要有二方面,一為「綠建築推動方案」,採行綠建築設計及辦理綠建築標章制度,訂有綠建築九大評估指標。另一為「綠建築基準」專章,明訂於建築技術規則建築設計施工編專章內,此基準係規範建築物設計時,有關綠建築法規的基本要求。 本研究蒐集現有環境影響評估之各類評估技術規範及非屬評估技術規範性質之各項建議事項,藉以彙整與環境影響評估相關之法源、評估作業步驟之重點及注意事項與建議事項。另一方面探討「綠建築九大評估指標」及「綠建築基準」可融入環境影響評估考量項目;同時回顧國內外曾經通過「綠建築標章」或曾獲獎之綠建築優良案例。 最後整合上述評估考量項目,並蒐集主管機關機關為推動綠建築之相關法令規定及要點等,針對綠建築評估指標進行綜合比較、初擬環評作業綠建築評估議題以及提列環評作業之綠建築議題建議事項,供作環境影響評估作業時有關綠建築評估審議之參考。


Current environmental impact assessment system has been established, a variety of standards and technical specifications considered among the assessment of the building still lack for technical specifications or proposals, and the construction of buildings occasionally being assessed with unavoidably uncompleted consideration within the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system. Therefore, technical specifications or proposals of the building assessment should be established and brought into the EIA system. There’re two main aspects of promoting green buildings presently, one is "Green Building Promotion Program", which’s implementing green building designing and processing green building labeling with nine evaluation indexes. The other one is the "Green Building Standard", which’s a specific chapter under the specifications of architectural design in building construction technology, and the chapter claims for the basic requirements of green building regulations. We collected currently existing technical assessment specifications of EIA and suggestions which are not included, in order to compile laws, assessment procedures and matters needing attention which related with EIA. On the other hand, we concluded the "Green Building nine evaluation indicators" and "Green Building Standard" could be integrated into EIA consideration items; also reviewed domestic and foreign cases which have already earned "green building labeling" or won green building excellent awards. Finally, we’ve combined the EIA consideration items and collected regulations and requirements related with promoting green building from the authorities in charge, focused on comprehensive comparison with evaluation indexes. We also have drawn up issues and outlines of green building assessment in EIA procedures and made the suggestions and considerations for the green building evaluation of EIA into a list for reference.


1.BRE Environmental Assessment Method (http://www.breeam.org/)
2.Environmental Impact Assessment Division, Environmental Policy Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan, 2007, Environmental Impact Assessment in Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
3.John Burnett, 2007, “City buildings—Eco-labels and shades of green!”, Landscape and Urban Planning 83:29–38.


