  • 學位論文


The Study on the Marriage Immigration and Child Custody

指導教授 : 徐慧怡


近年來台灣透過婚姻來台之外籍配偶逐漸增加,進而衍生出許多問題,包括婚姻媒合業應如何管制、如何適用我國之法規範來取得身分、甚至婚姻移民倘若與我國國民離婚、子女親權之歸屬等。因此,本文首先將介紹婚姻移民之背景、現況、種類以及所面臨之困境問題,進而介紹我國婚姻媒合業,由於我國婚姻移民大多藉由婚姻媒合業促成婚姻,故必須討論婚姻媒合業之問題及如何管制;接著介紹各種婚姻移民如何適用我國之法規範,分成一般婚姻移民、大陸婚姻移民以及港澳地區婚姻移民,並介紹如何在臺取得身分等相關規定。 婚姻移民離婚後子女親權酌定法制之部分,則區分實體法與程序法,就離婚後子女親權酌定於我國法整體架構為論述,包括實體法上之離婚後子女親權之行使、子女親權之歸屬如何判斷、子女最佳利益如何適用、會面交往權之行使等;程序法上之子女親權訴訟如何進行、新修正之家事事件法介紹。 最後,為我國判決實務分析,整理歸納我國有關婚姻移民之離婚與子女親權酌定訴訟判決,並以在實務上觸及之問題區分程序面及實體面探討,在程序面上是否予以訴訟救助、為何大多為一造辯論判決等;在實體面則探討婚姻移民在裁判離婚大多主張何種事由、離婚後子女親權酌定之判斷標準及子女親權之歸屬等問題,並試提出可供法院裁判參考之建議。


The population of foreign spouses is gradually increasing in Taiwan, provoking much discussion: how does the goverment regulate International Marriage Brokers, how to acquire a nationality in ROC law, even if the issue about divorce and child custody vested on marriage immigrants. At first, the paper introduce the marriage immigrants' background, situation, classification and the plight, further introduce the International Marriage Brokers in ROC. Due to the marriage immigrants mostly depend on the International Marriage Brokers, it must be discussed controversy and regulation on the International Marriage Brokers.Therefore, the paper introduce the variety of marriage migrants are general marriage immigrants, China marriage immigrants, as well as Hong Kong and Macao marriage immigrants, and how to acquire a nationality in ROC law. In order to study the legal system, the paper distinct the vesting child custody after divorce between the substantive law and the procedural law. If the part of substantive law, the paper introduces the exercise of the child custody, the judgement of vesting child custody, the best interests of the child principle, and the exercise of visitation rights. Otherwise, in the part of procedural law, the paper introduces the process of child custody in lawsuit, and meanwhile, introduces the legislation of family law in 2012. Finally, analysising the verdicts of judical practice, especially generalizing in divorce with child custody vested for marriage immigrants. Furthermore, distinct the controversy between procedural surface and substantive surfaces. In the procedure surface, we should figure out whether the court grant them litigation aid or not, and discuss why most of the case the court enter a default judgment while a party fails to appear at the oral-argument session. In the substantive surface, the paper discuss the marriage immigrants' motions in petitioning the court for a juridical decree of divorce, the criteria of vesting child custody, and other related issues. In the end of the paper, try to come up with some opinion to solve those problems.


