  • 學位論文


Beginning Internet Entrepreneur – An Examination of Prior Knowledge, Social Networks, and Opportunity Confirmation

指導教授 : 林婷鈴
共同指導教授 : 呂姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Lu)


「創業者該如何進一步掌握創業機會?」此一議題已經逐漸成為創業過程研究之核心,因為創業機會的掌握將是影響企業未來能否成功之關鍵;然而,有關創業初期階段的研究仍顯不足,雖然過去學者探討機會確認的研究,陳述創業者的先驗知識與社會網絡對創業機會的確認確實存在相當程度之影響力,但卻未著眼於創業者的社會網絡與先驗知識如何影響其機會辨識、發展、評估等創業過程,亦缺乏相關的定義以及實證結果。 本研究以經營未滿五年的新創網路廠商為主要對象,共計訪談五位網路創業者,針對其創業初期階段加以了解與探討,並利用敘說探究分析與個案分析法,連結研究者本身的經驗與個案對話,可以幫助本研究拓寬思考的疆界,進而探索更深層的意義並造就更多元的研究發現,盼能為創業研究領域提供更豐富的思維。 本研究由個案中得知創業者過去的工作經歷對於創業機會確認並無明顯之助益,反倒是其家庭背景、教育背景、創業經驗以及個人興趣等因素,實為創業者機會確認過程中舉足輕重的角色;此外,創業者通常以強連結作為其事業發展之首選網絡,弱連結與虛擬網絡亦有助於創業者開發其網絡資源及產品的推廣,且從中依其網絡型態之轉換成因,得以發展不同於以往的網絡關係。


The issue of how entrepreneurs take the entrepreneurial opportunities in further step becomes the core studies of the entrepreneurial process, and how entrepreneurs take the opportunities is a key point that would affect the success of a firm in the future. However, related studies for the preliminary stage of entrepreneurship are not quite sufficient. Although the studies for opportunities confirmation indicate that there is a relationship between the knowledge of entrepreneurs in their initial stage and the confirmation of social network for entrepreneurial opportunities, they are short of related definitions and empirical outcomes. Further, they do not focus on how the social network used by entrepreneurs and their knowledge in the beginning affect the entrepreneurs to identify, develop, and assess the entrepreneurial opportunities. This paper includes the newly established firms in recent five years as our sample and amount to five network entrepreneurs. We focus on the preliminary stage of entrepreneurship and use the analysis of narrative inquiry and case study. By connecting with the experiences of entrepreneurs themselves, we could widen our thinking, explore deeper meanings, find multiple research outcomes, and provide abundant contributions to the area of entrepreneurship. In our sample, there is not positive relationship between the work experiences of entrepreneurs in the past and the confirmation of entrepreneurial opportunities. We find that their background of family, education, experience of entrepreneurship, and their interest play an important role in their confirmation process of entrepreneurial opportunities. Moreover, the entrepreneurs usually use the strong connection as their preferred network to develop career, while the weak connection and the virtual network still work at developing the network resources and promoting the products. From the above, the entrepreneurs would make a choice from types of network and transform into a different network relationship


