  • 學位論文


Exploring the Benefits of Social Media Marketing on Brands and Communities

指導教授 : 蔡坤宏 江義平


近年來,社群媒體被視為新興的行銷溝通管道之一。隨著網路Web 2.0的發展,使用社群的人數持續上升,品牌行銷人員也開始透過如Facebook、Google+等社群平台建立迷你官網,其目的就是為了提升消費者對品牌產品的認知與觀感,進而建立對品牌擁護、提高忠誠度。然而,儘管社群媒體的整合行銷活動日趨重要,迄今有關品牌之社群媒體行銷的研究甚少,且缺乏有系統的理論基礎來衡量社群媒體行銷之功能,因此,本研究旨在建立一個社群媒體對品牌及社群效益的衡量模式,探討品牌對社群媒體行銷功能、參與行為及效益構念之關聯性影響。 本研究主要以多元尺度法(multidimensional scaling, MDS)來進行分析,透過網路問卷發放進行資料收集,共回收1,956份有效樣本。本研究經參考過去文獻與預試前測擷取出18項屬性,分別為社群媒體行銷功能(娛樂性、資訊性、互動性、策展力、口碑)、社群媒體參與行為(瀏覽/蒐集、發布/分享、對話/評論、提倡/推薦、共同創造)、品牌效益(品牌聯想、品牌知識、品牌承諾)及社群效益(社群關係、社群認同感、社群影響力、社群滿意度、社群承諾)。而所探討的品牌方面,參考市場研究進行前測後,從數十種品牌終擷取出24個品牌作為本研究之客體,並納入性別/年齡人口變項,整合探討各品牌、社群媒體行銷功能、社群參與行為及品牌/社群效益間之關聯性,在最後進一步提出各類型品牌在未來社群媒體發展上之行銷應用。而本研究之分析結果可作為未來理論研究發展之基礎文獻,更可輔助企業在進行制定行銷策略之實務參考。


In the recent years, social media becomes a new communication channel in marketing. Social media marketing may not only help to understand customer needs for marketer, but also promote brand commitment. However, still very few researches focus on how the social media marketing work and still rarely represent a comprehensive set of factors and valuation. Thus, this study aims to explore the relationship among marketing activities, engagement behaviors and brand/community benefits in social media across variable brands, and the findings can help marketers to refine marketing strategy. By conducting the multidimensional scaling analysis, this research collected 1,956 valid samples from the consumers who use the social media marketing from 24 brands. The findings conceptualized the brand characteristics of social media marketing in convenience goods, shopping goods, physical and virtual channel. Furthermore, the study provides several in-depth theoretical reviews and practice implications for future e-marketing research and management.


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