  • 學位論文

銷售人員關係品質對市場導向和績效之中介效果 -以快速流通消費性商品為例

The Mediating Effect of Salesperson’s Relationship Quality between Market Orientation and Performance: A Case Study of Fast Moving Consumer Goods.

指導教授 : 林婷鈴博士 吳志明博士


採取市場導向策略的廠商,常因能為客戶創造更優越的價值,獲取比競爭者更佳的競爭優勢,並以此為企業提高營業獲利的機會。在高度競爭的快速流通消費性商品產業,供應商旗下商品本身的品牌力固然重要,銷售人員所扮演的角色,更是廠商與通路採購之間關係維護的橋樑,除能為廠商創造營業收入外,與通路採購之間的關係品質,牽動著採購對供應商旗下品牌於通路上推展的意願,進而對銷售人員之績效有決定性的影響。在企業倡導「市場導向」的趨勢下,銷售人員是否能藉由加強通路客戶的關係品質,強化銷售績效上的成效,成為本研究探討的主要動機。 本研究以快速流通消費性商品銷售人員為研究對象,以關係品質為中介變數,探討市場導向對其績效的關聯性。藉由回顧過去相關文獻,如市場導向的定義、關係品質的內涵與績效評估之方式,建立觀念性研究架構。透過對全台灣逾30間快速流通消費性商品企業之銷售人員問卷調查方式,共計回收有效問卷為151份。統計分析首先以SPSS進行敘述性統計與信效度分析,再以SEM結構方程模式進行路徑分析與檢視模型配適度,最後以迴歸分析檢驗次要構面與驗證中介效果。 依據回收問卷資料分析結果顯示,在快速流通消費性商品產業中:(1) 銷售人員之市場導向對績效不具顯著影響。(2) 銷售人員之市場導向中的客戶導向對關係品質具有顯著影響。(3) 銷售人員之關係品質顯著正向影響績效。 (4) 關係品質對於市場導向與績效之影響具有完全中介效果。研究結果說明,在產品差異化程度較小的快速流通消費性商品產業中,供應商市場導向對銷售人員績效的直接影響關係,需透過關係品質為中介路徑,正向影響效果將得以呈現。期許本研究結果能為相關產業及相關學術研究先進帶來更具價值的參考與建議。


For those market orientated suppliers, not only to create superior value for customers, but also can enhance profitability for their businesses. In the highly competitive FMCG industry, the relationship quality between salesperson and buyer will affects the buyer who promotes products on the channel and have a critical impact on sales performance. Under the trend of market-orientated, will the salesperson of supplier can strengthen sales performance by enhance the relationship with channel client has become the main motivation of this research. FMCG salesperson is the research subject and relationship quality as mediating variables to explore the relevance of market-orientated practice and sales performance. Conceptual framework is established by reviewing historical literatures. Using SPSS to analysis descriptive statistics and reliability/validity analysis, and then using SEM for path analysis and view the model with moderate. Linear regression is used to test minor facets and mediating effect at the end. Research shows that (1) market-orientated practice has no significant effect to the sales performance (2) customer-orientated practice is the main factor and has positive effect for the market-orientated practice to relationship quality (3) salesperson’s relationship quality has positive effect to the sales performance (4) relationship quality equipped intermediary effect to market-orientated practice and sales performance. Research indicates that in low product differentiation industry, using relationship quality intermediary has positive influence in market-orientated to sales performance. Looking forward for this research can provide valuable reference and suggestion for the related industry and academic field.


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