  • 學位論文


Exploring Cognitive Biases in Making Plans and Decisions for Urban Development Based on Prospect Theory

指導教授 : 賴世剛


都市的發展需要有許多有效計畫,因此對於一個都市而言,發展計畫的制定者是相當重要且不可或缺的。過去在Kahneman & Tversky(1979)所提出的展望理論中,透過賭局實驗設計,發現到其孤立效果(Isolation Effect),有時為了簡化都市發展的複雜問題,計畫制定者可能將都市發展問題一一拆解與孤立,並且於計畫制定時忽略其他計畫及決策之相關性,使計畫制定的過程中或許存在著一些因認知偏誤所產生的不合理現象(即違反預期效用理論)。而因為這樣的認知錯覺,計畫制定者有可能將複雜的都市發展問題拆解為獨立決策,例如:基礎設施的興建、道路的定線與住宅的建設等等,而忽略各發展決策之間的關聯性,使得制定計畫時喪失了整合性的規劃考量,無法達到預期的效果以解決都市問題。另一方面,傳統綜合理性雖然從都市總體規劃來考量計畫的制定,卻過於理想而缺乏實用價值。   最後本研究透過心理實驗問卷發現,決策者在都市發展計畫制定時,多個決策考量下的決策選擇將受到孤立效果的影響,使得決策者忽略各發展決策之間的關聯性,造成計畫制定的無效能;此外,孤立效果將間接造成不同之問題框架,使受試者對於其相同貨幣值的效用會產生顯著差異。綜上所述,都市發展計畫決策所產生的認知偏誤,其產生原因可能受到孤立效果以及不同問題框架效應所影響。是故,本研究認為應加強計畫制定者對於認知偏誤的瞭解,並協助進行決策分析訓練,以增進都市發展計畫制定的效度。


An urban development needs to have many effective plans. For a city, the decision makers of urban development are quite important and indispensable. Kahneman & Tversky (1979) proposed the Prospect Theory, and through experimental design of gambling found the isolated effect. Sometimes in order to simplify the complex problems of urban development, decision makers may tend to dismantle and isolate problems of urban development. Decision makers probably ignore the relevance of other plans and programs, which results in some irrational decisions (violate the EUT) because of cognitive biases. Through such cognitive illusion, decision makers would disassemble the complex problems of urban development into independent policy decisions, such as construction of infrastructures, planning of roads, and building of residential houses, etc. Because of ignoring the relevance of other plans, decision makers could not consider the whole urban system in making plans and reach expected effects to solve urban problems. On the other hand, although the traditional comprehensive rational planning considers the overall planning of urban development, it is too ideal to be practical in the real world.   Finally, this study found that decision makers would be affected by the isolation effect in making multiple decisions, and ignore the relationship between various decisions that results in ineffectiveness. In addition, isolation effect would cause decision situations different indirectly. So, utilities also changed with the same monetary value that elicited from different lotteries. In summary, the cognitive biases of urban development may be caused by the isolation and framing effects of different decision situations. Therefore, this study suggests that plan makers should strengthen the understanding of cognitive biases and decision analysis training. It could help plan makers to enhance the effectiveness of plan making.


陳宜棻,2010,從展望理論觀點探討網路口碑對消費者購買意願之影響,Journal of e-Business,第12卷,第3期,頁527-546。