  • 學位論文


Affirmative Defenses of Criminal Law regarding to Emergent and Non-Emergent Medical Treatments.

指導教授 : 鄭逸哲


在實務上,之所以不常見到具有阻卻違法事由而欠缺違法性的構成要件該當行為,乃因絕大多數的構成要件該當行為,一般人在直覺上,認為其不具有違法性,對該構成要件該當行為自始無犯罪嫌疑,也就更不用進入審判程序。依據衛生福利部統計,光是民國101年就多達6億5千多萬件門診件數,平均每日有6萬人次的門診人數,然而,產生糾紛的醫療案件一年僅有五百多件,其中鑑定為有疏失者僅16件。可見絕大多數的醫療行為,即使該當刑法上的構成要件,仍因基於保障病患最佳利益之醫療目的,往往具有正當化事由。 礙於篇幅,本文僅針對醫師有計畫(主觀上故意)且實際上開始實行(作為)的醫療行為進行討論,且這些醫療行為在具有「傷害構成要件該當性」、「重傷害構成要件該當性」或「加工成重傷構成要件該當性」的前提下,區分「急救醫療行為」與「非急救醫療行為」分別得適用的阻卻違法事由,接著針對整理歸納後的結果,進行分析與討論。 急救與非急救醫療行為的阻卻違法事由最大不同點,在於急救時,縱使未得到病患本人承諾或其家屬同意,仍得依緊急避難阻卻違法;反之,在非急救的情況下,則需考量其他事由方得阻卻違法。


It is rare to see judgements regarding to affirmative defenses since most of the criminal elemental conduct are instinctively not punishable ,and wound not be trialed. According to outpatient service statistics from Ministry of Health and Welfare, there are approximately 650 millions cases in 2012, but only about 500 medical disputes per year and 16 cases are found negligence in it. It is perceived that even though most of medical treatments commit criminal elements, they shall be remitted because of the goal for best interests of patients. This article discusses doctors knowingly and intentionally to perform a medical treatment that commits “elements of a injury offense”, “elements of a serious injury offense” and “elements of serious injury upon victim’s consent offense” and actually performed. Then, the article distinguishes between emergent medical treatments and non-emergent medical treatments for applying to different reasonable defenses. The conclusion is, in cases of emergent situation, though doctors do not receive a consent by a patient himself or an agreement by his interested parties, the emergent medical treatments shall be remitted because of Article 24 of criminal law. Conversely, there should exist other affirmative defenses in non-emergent situation for legal remit.


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