  • 學位論文


Obligation of Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Taiwan Insurance Law - Based on Engineering Property Damage Insurance

指導教授 : 江朝國


損害防阻為風險管理學上一個重要概念,其係能有效降低風險實現機率與損失幅度之措施,屬於事前預防之風險管理方法;保險則是匯集危險共同團體所繳交之保險費,於保險事故發生時,填補不幸成員因風險實現所受之損害,為事後消弭損害之風險管理方法。損害防阻措施之履行,影響保險事故發生與否及保險費收取之高低,基於保險契約之最大善意性,外國立法例有要求要保人或被保險人負有損害防阻義務之總則性規定,此為我國保險法制所無。在保險實務上有許多與損害防阻措施履行之義務規定條款,尤其是在工程保險最為顯著,而此等條款約定之要件與法律效果,常常作為保險事故發生後保險人拒絕為保險賠償之依據。惟保險契約具有附合性色彩,保單條款由保險人單方預先擬定,可能發生對要保人或被保險人有顯失公平之情形。因此,探討損害防阻義務之法律效果於我國法制應如何規範與檢討現行保單條款之規範妥適性,以求得保險人有效控制風險與被保險人保護之間的平衡,則為本篇論文撰寫之主要目的。 本篇論文分成五章,第一章為緒論,主要包括問題意識與動機,並包含研究方法及範圍;第二章則說明損害防阻與保險之間的互動關係;第三章則闡述損害防阻義務之法理基礎、類型、適用範圍、性質及法律效果,並於本章探討我國保險法現行規定與損害防阻有關之條文;第四章則介紹工程保險之險種及與損害防阻措施履行有關的實務條款類型,並評析條款內容之妥適性;第五章之部分則為結論。最後以附錄形式提呈本文所整理工程保險損害防阻義務條款,供作參考。


Loss prevention and mitigation in risk management is an important concept and effective measure to reduce the risk probability and magnitude of losses realized; it is a preventive approach to risk management. Insurance is the collection of risk premiums paid by policyholders, which is paid to unfortunate members who suffered damages due to the risk. It is an approach to eliminate the damage after risk occurs. Measures of loss prevention and mitigation will affect the amount of insurance premiums received. Foreign legislation has required the policyholder or the insured's obligation to bear the obligation of loss prevention and mitigation based on the insurance contract in good faith, but Taiwan’s Insurance Law does not provide it. There are many terms in the insurance which to fulfill the obligation of loss prevention and mitigation, especially in engineering insurance. Insurers often refuse to indemnify the insured in accordance with the elements of the agreed terms and legal effect after the accident. Insurance contracts are usually drawn unilaterally by the insurer, it may occur that the proposer or the insured has obviously unfair situations. Therefore, to discuss the legal effect of obligation of loss prevention and mitigation from Taiwan’s Insurance Law, we should review how to regulate and standardize the existing terms of the policy in order to achieve balance between risk control of the insurer and the risk protection of insured. That is the main purpose of this paper. This article is divided in five parts. Chapter 1 discusses the motive and the purpose of this article. It also includes the method and the range of this research. Chapter 2 explains the relationship between loss prevention or mitigation and insurance. Chapter 3 illustrates the legal basis for obligation of loss prevention and mitigation, the type, scope, nature and legal effect. It also includes discussion of the existing provisions of Taiwan’s Insurance Law and the provisions relating to the obligation. Chapter 4 introduces engineering insurance and loss control measures to fulfill the terms of the type of practice, it also comments on the appropriateness of the content of the terms. Finally, the Chapter 5 is the conclusion.




