  • 學位論文


Serving The Community: A Study of The Head of Li

指導教授 : 黃樹仁


里長是地方制度法中最基層的民選公職人員,自古以來多由村里間德高望重的長者擔任,故有村里的「土地公」之稱。里長不僅是你我的好鄰居,也是法令政策的傳遞者、解決困難的智者,更是帶領你我爭取福利的領頭羊。本文以觀察法與深度訪談,並輔以「里長服務登記簿」做為里長服務項目的資料統計依據,以雲嘉南平原某縣轄市的某里作為本文研究背景。我們將從里長的服務內容進行瞭解,當里長服務里民的過程中,究竟如何凝聚里內民眾的村里意識,以及拓展里長的個人網絡範圍與程度,並探討里長的社會角色;再者執行里長職務時所遇到特殊任務及灰色地帶,希冀透過本研究的一小塊拼圖,對於基層地方治理的未來發展可以得到更具體的輪廓,進而了解里長的服務內容與社會關係網絡。 研究結果指出,向里長尋求服務的對象多為男性,教育程度較低、年齡五十歲以上;主要尋求項目為調解鄰里糾紛、家族糾紛以及陳情工務局。研究發現里長除了法定與非法定職務內容外,該地區里長還有兩項特殊服務項目,分別為當「桌頭」(toh-thâu)以及「點主官」(leader of dotting the spirit tablet);從里長的服務項目來看,的確存在許多法令上的灰色地帶,例如:開立證明書,里長基於服務弱勢里民或礙於選票、人情,受其所託也是難以拒絕。 整體來說,里長服務里民必須有高度的熱忱與雙向的強連結帶,對於里長個人的領導風格與社會關係建立會有更多助益。


社會關係 村里長 網絡


Heads-of-Li is the lowest elected-public-servants under Local Government Act. For long time, the respected elderlies have been selected as Heads-of-Li which was named as “the god of land”. He is not only a good neighbor of us, but also a communicator of policies, the sage for addressing the problems, and the leader to strive for the welfare. This thesis would utilize observation as well as interview. The statistic information is based on the records of services which were provided by the Heads-of-Li. The story of this thesis happened in the Li of the county on the “Chianan Plain”. I tried to figure out what kind of services that were provided by the Head-of-Li. Under that process, we would find the methods that he used to integrate community’s consciousness and extend his network. Afterwards, I would discuss the social role of Heads-of Li. Furthermore, I try to figure out the special tasks and grey area when the Head-of Li execute his duty. Via the puzzles of this research, I would like to point out the clear framework of local administration in the future as well as realize the components of Heads-of Li’s services and the social network. The research designates that the receivers of Head-of-Li’s services are male, lower-education, and above 50 years-old. The major services are about the settling the conflicts among neighborhood or family and dealing with the petition. Besides statutory and non-statutory tasks, the Heads-of-Li in that area have two special services: being toh-thâu and leader of dotting the spirit tablet. The Heads-of-Li’s services do really have many grey area under the regulation, such as issuing certification. It’s difficult for them to turn down the requests because his duties are helping needed. Sometimes, he is reluctant to reject because of concern about selection and favoritism. Generally speaking, to serve community, Heads-of-Li need passion and two-way interaction. These characteristics would be beneficial to Heads-of Li’s leadership and his social network.


Social Relationships Heads-of-Li Network


Fischer, Claude S. 1977 Networks and Places: Social Relations in the Urban Setting. New York: The Free Press.
Jacobs, J. Bruce (1980). Local Politics in a Rural Chinese Cultural Setting, A Field Study of Mazu Township Taiwan. Canberra: Contemporary China Center:Australia National University Press.
