  • 學位論文


Preferences for Redistribution and Political Efficacy

指導教授 : 張文俊


台灣係民主政治體制的國家,民主制度中「一人一票」的概念實為落實機會平等的運作,人人皆能對政府表達其訴求,藉由投票、政黨活動、甚至抗議、遊行的政治參與,意圖改變政府施政的方向。不過,民眾參與政治的程度與方式會受到其主觀政治效能感的不同而有所差異。因此,在民主國家中研究政治效能感的影響有其必要性。然而,隨著經濟發展的大躍進,社會分配面的問題日趨重要。在過度強調經濟成長的年代,政府忽略了公平面的問題,危及到人民生存權的平等,現有的重分配政策不足以應付這日趨嚴重的貧富不均,使民眾對政府感到不滿與無奈,進而對政治效能感產生影響。 本研究以台灣選舉與民主化調查,2012年總統與立委選舉面訪案調查之問卷為本研究之資料。找出能衡量民眾對公平的認知所具體表現在「重分配政策偏好」的三種變項,分別為「社會福利」、「健康照護」與「所得分配」,試圖探討對政治效能感的影響。並採取Probit及Ordered Probit之估計方法,分別進行單階段模型與兩階段模型分析。更進一步利用Hausman檢定,討論出最適合的模型,使實證結果能夠盡善盡美。 實證結果顯示,民眾偏好社會福利政策會使內、外在政治效能感呈現負相關;而民眾偏好所得分配政策會使內在政治效能感為負相關,外在政治效能感為正相關;而偏好健康照護政策時只會影響內在政治效能感為負相關。其中又以偏好社會福利政策的影響最大,與綜合政治效能感呈現顯著負相關,可能降低民眾參與政治的意願。


In democratic societies, citizens engaged in political activities such as casting ballots, participating party campaigns, and protesting are essential to reflect preferences for government policies. However, the extent and ways in which citizens’ engagements are subject to various degrees of perceived political efficacy. Therefore, in democratic countries, understanding the determinants of political efficacy is an important issue. Nevertheless, with the rapid advancement of economic development in Taiwan, the problems of income inequality deteriorate over time. This becomes a significant factor for people’s satisfaction toward government’s redistributive policies, and it consequently influences on people’s political efficacy. Using the data drawn from the survey of Taiwan’s Election and Democratization in the year of 2012 (TEDS 2012), this study investigates the influences of people’s perceptions of fairness measured by their preferences for government’s redistributive policies on political efficacy. The empirical results show that preference for welfare policies is negatively associated with both internal and external political efficacy. In contrast, preference for policies of income distribution is negatively correlated with internal political efficacy, but positively correlated with external political efficacy. Moreover, preference for health care policy is negatively associated with internal efficacy. As a result, this may indicate that the decrease in political efficacy caused by the dissatisfaction with government’s redistributive policies could lead to a decline of the willingness of people to participate in politics.


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