  • 學位論文


Study of the Collaboration Between Government and NPO based on Agency Theory - Case Study of Taipei INST

指導教授 : 呂育誠


會議展覽服務產業,是當今各國公認的 21 世紀金礦產業,它除了是各產業的發展觸媒,更是各國用來作為國家與城市發展的樞紐機制;緣此,會展產業已成為全球各國競相尋求發展的總體發展火車頭標的。台灣政府一向非常重視科技產業的發展,行政院於2010年宣誓推動新興智慧型產業,目的在佈局未來長期產業發展,台灣的產業可以利用腦力與創新更上一層樓,以提升國際競爭力與附加價值。政府在展會活動中扮演幕後推手的角色,除了鼓勵國內學界及業界發明外,展會活動本身也是刺激經濟發展一大關鍵,也是政府重要政策之一。因應政府的形態由「大有為」轉型為「小而美」,本論文即以代理人理論為基礎,並以文獻分析法、深度訪談法,探討在辦理展會活動時該如何分工,才能達成目的,促進政府與非營利組織之間的合作關係,對未來政府委託非營利組織辦理展會活動時,或可提供參考或啟發。 本論文研究發現如下: 一、理論面:(一)委託人及代理人的目標不一致。(二)委託人及代理人間的資訊不對稱。(三)代理人的道德危機。 二、實務面:(一)經費來源。(二)承接政府業務的誘因。(三)課責制度的建立。 三、綜合分析面:(一)目前雙方合辦模式之檢視。(二)未來契約制度之可行性。 本論文研究建議如下: 一、智財局:(一)降低資訊不對稱。(二)授予執行單位決定權。 二、外貿協會:(一)建立辦展經驗傳承制度。(二)提升自我價值。 三、合作關係:(一)爭取資源。(二)建立誘因。(三)建立顧問制度。


MICE industry is well- known as emerging industry in 21th century. It’s a medium of developing between country and city; therefore, all the countries in the world are devoted to MICE. Taiwan government attaches great importance to hi-tech industry, so the Executive Yuan hopes to promote economic development by pushing intelligence industry forward since 2010 in order to make Taiwan more competitive. Besides of invention, MICE is also a way to stimulate economic development. To respond to the changing of government, this thesis discusses the collaboration between government and NPO based on literature analysis and depth interviews. The thesis also conducts problem analysis in order to propose recommendations on the reference implementation between government and NPO. The findings of research are as followings: 1. Theoretical part: (1) the goals of the principal and agent are different. (2) the asymmetric information between the principal and the agent. (3) the principal and the agent have different attitudes towards risk. 2. Empirical part: (1)the budget resource (2) the incentive of taking government business (3) the accountability 3. Integrative part: (1) the viewing of the present collaboration (2) the possibility of contract The recommendations proposed by this study are as followings: 1. To the government: (1) to avoid asymmetric information (2) to authorize the agent 2. To the NPO: (1) to set up passing on system (2) to promote self- worth 3. To the collaboration: (1) to strive for resource (2) to set up incentive (3) to set up consultant system


Collaboration NPO Agency Theory Taipei INST


