  • 學位論文


The Conflict of laws in Divorce- Some Perspectives on the Judicial Practice of Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳榮傳


國際交流往來頻繁,異國籍配偶或本國籍之當事人於外國地域締結婚姻等情時有所聞,伴隨而來即為婚姻破裂所引發之訴訟紛爭。對此具涉外因素的離婚事件,就現行法規及訴訟實務,有何規範內容及學說,並配合司法實務之論述為驗證,以提出適當見解以釐紛爭,此即為本文研究目的及核心。 本文一共分為六章,分以兩大主軸為核心,一為論述我國對於國際私法上之離婚事件,二為針對兩岸準國際私法上離婚事件,思考上述事件繫屬於法院所爭執之焦點。故除第一章緒論外,第貳章至第肆章以國際私法離婚事件為核心,第伍章則著墨於涉陸、涉臺離婚事件之爭執,末以第六章各章論述之建議修法方向及司法實務見解作結。其中第貳章以家事事件法第53條規範前後,就直接的一般管轄權之學說及司法實務實踐為論述,並針對家事事件法第53條明文之「住所」、「共同居所」、「經常居所」文義予以剖析。第參章則針對我國涉外民事法律適用法,就涉外離婚事件原因、效力準據法選定,新舊法變異為何?相關身分變動之效力,依何選法規則,逐項予以說明。並參酌國際公約及他國立法例,提供立法者修法之面向思考。第四章以一方配偶取得外國確定離婚判決,或於外國調解離婚,則該判決或離婚調解書於我國承認之管轄、要件為核心,依民事訴訟法第402條予以深論,並於現行自動承認制下,可否可單方持判決向戶政機關為登記之修法討論,於本章為釐清。再者,第六章針對我國與大陸地區的法律衝突問題,其本質與涉外因素之國際私法有所差異,且我國有兩岸人民關係條例之明文依循。就兩岸離婚條文規範及實務運作下之管轄、準據法、判決承認問題,逐一討論。又因大陸地區對於涉臺事件,依最高人民法院西元2010年12月29日公布了《最高人民法院關於審理涉臺民商事案件法律適用問題的規定》,使得人民法院處理涉臺民商事關係的法律案件時,應參照關於涉外民商事關係的法律適用規則(衝突規則)確定準據法,並確認臺灣地區人民於大陸地區涉訟時,其法律地位與大陸地區人民具有相同之權利義務。故本章就大陸地區於西元2010年通過之《涉外民事關係法律適用法》,加以說明該法對於涉外離婚事件之相關規範,以作為提供未來兩岸司法實務予之參考意見。總上,就各章節所提出爭議,本文試參酌學說並整理大量實務見解,再予簡述本文拙見,以期提供作為實務工作者或立法者可參酌之思考方向。


Due to the rate of marriage between citizens of Taiwan and people from abroad increases rapidly, many litigations of divorce also increase quickly. In addition many relevant statutory, such as Act Governing the Choice of law in Civil Matters Involving Foreign Element (hereinafter “Act on Application of Laws”) , the code of civil Procedure have changed significantly in recent years. For this background,this article investigates some above major issues in proceedings :(a) jurisdiction; (b) the applicable law of divorce;(c)recognition of foreign Judgments of divorce. The article is divided into a total of six chapters, the contents of chapter I is the introduction. Chapter II is the basic concept of the methodology about international jurisdiction in cases of divorce applied by Taiwan’s courts according to Article 568 of the code of civil procedure and the Law of Domestic proceedings. In chapter III, discuss the transform about Act on Application of Laws applied to the grounds of Divorce, including of the meaning of common domicile, residence, etc. Otherwise, in this chapter, analyze the provision to effect of divorce, divided to Identity and property levels .Chapter IV focuses on the elements about recognition of foreign divorce judgment applied by our courts in respect of Article 402 of the code of civil procedure. And under the system of automatic recognition, the topic is whether we should amend the provisions about some Registration system of marriage for Taiwan’s household authority. Chapter V, regarding provision of the Supreme People’s Court on the Application of Law in the Trial of Taiwan-related Civil and Commercial Cases and Article 52 and74 of the Act on Relations between the People of Taiwan Area and Mainland China Area, indicates the issue about “Quasi private international law” of jurisdiction, the applicable of law and the recognition of judgments and arbitral award. And the chapter will focus on Taiwan judicial practice about the effect of the divorce conciliation documents made by Chinese Mainland Court. Chapter VI is the conclusion, and hoped that this will contribute to the development of the divorce proceeding for legislation and our judicial practice.


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