  • 學位論文


The Study of the Strategic Positioning of Cultural Heritage in Taipei: An Analysis of the Chung Shang Hall on Yaming Shan

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


「陽明山中山樓」為早期我國舉行重要活動及接待外賓之場所,後為國民大會之議事殿堂,不僅充滿神秘色彩又富有高度的政治意涵,為我國特殊且珍貴之文化資產。民國89年國民大會虛級化後,中山樓面臨衰退與轉型的危機。本研究旨在深入探討其衰退之原因,並透過策略管理的分析方法─SWOT分析法,建構出一套適用於中山樓之策略定位,以提供管理單位為其研擬經營管理策略之參考,俾使中山樓風華再現 本論文之研究方法為歷史研究法(historical research)及深度訪談法(in-depth interview)。有關陽明山中山樓之相關檔案文獻甚多,唯大多散存於如總統府、國史館及國家檔案局等單位,本文藉著曾經服務中山樓之經驗,並經行政程序獲取有關中山樓興建初期之歷史檔案、國家重要人物在此活動的記錄等資料並加以歸納、分析及比較,以探求其核心價值。另蒐集有關「中山樓營運與轉型研究」之次級資料及民意代表與政府官員之發言紀錄,並對中山樓有較近距離接觸及瞭解之人士進行訪談。再以SWOT分析架構,藉以分析出其具有的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅。經由上述方法,本研究結合策略管理與各種質化與量化資料,將陽明山中山樓定位為「中山樓兩蔣文化觀光旗艦基地」,並依此發展出以(S,O)、(S,T) 、(W,O)、(W,T)的策略組合。 最後,本研究並提出政策建議為一、成立「中山樓文化旅遊旗艦中心」二、以組織功能,調整其隸屬單位。三、以文化資產為核心創造獨特的風格。四、與國防部青邨幹部訓練班作整體規劃。五、引進民間力量參與經營。六、兼顧陽明山地區之生態發展。七、唯有更開放才能適應時代潮流。八、組成「中山樓文化旅遊旗艦中心籌備委員會」統籌設立事宜。九、組織變革應使內部員工有充分的瞭解。


Chung Shang Hall on Yaming Shan is initially used to for public events such as concerts, exhibitions or meetings and then it becomes to be National Assembly Hall. It not only presents an implication of democracy but also offers the most important part of cultural heritage in Taiwan. However, with the adjustment of National Assembly in 2000, Chung Shang Hall has been facing the crisis of decadence. In order to find the strategy position of Chung Shang Hall and provides government policy, this study attempts to discover the reasons of decadence of Chung Shang Hall and to extend strategy management by conducting a methodology-SWOT Analysis. The methodology of this study focuses on historical research and in-depth interview. The historical research follows the original data about the history of the building and governors activities to exam the core value of the architecture. It is also derived from secondary data such as “The Chung Shang Hall operates plan of studying” and official minutes, and interviews to people who are familiar with the building. Finally, the research attempts to analyze the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and treat) of Chung Shang Hall. Through above qualitative and quantitative methods, the hall can be position as “The Culture visits flagship site of the late president Jiangs”, and applied to the strategy of (S,O)、(S,T)、(W,O)and (W,T). In addition, there are some suggestions of this study. Firstly, the government should establish “Chung Shang Hall culture travel flagship centre”. Secondly, related institutions ought to be integrated thoroughly. Thirdly, the cultural heritage can be created as the unique style for the Chung Shang Hall. Moreover, “Ching Tsuen Education & Training Center of the Ministry of National Defense” can be managed in combination. Additionally, the government should inspire private sectors to participate in administration. Then, Chung Shang Hall can be developed as an eco-friendly environment in Yaming Shan area. Furthermore, deliberate policies may follow the trend, and set up “Preparatory committee of Chung Shang Hall culture travel flagship centre”. Finally, it is important for employees to realize the organizational transformation.


林隆儀譯,David A. Aaker 原著(2005),《策略行銷管理》。台北:華泰文化事業股份有限公司。


劉翼慈(2015)。民間參與國家公園文化資產活化執行經驗分析 -陽明山及金門國家公園的案例比較〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.02905
