  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of Animal Health Business Strategies Take Foreign Companies as Examples

指導教授 : 古永嘉


生物科技產業自1970年代以來迅速成長,已成為近十年來高科技產業的主流,各科技大國莫不投入大量人力及經費從事教育、研究及產業開發。為因應生物科技突破發展與應用,行政院推動「挑戰2008—國家重點發展計畫」,由經濟部擬定「兩兆雙星產業發展計畫」,明確勾勒出我國核心與新興產業政策方向。其中生物科技產業就是雙星產業之一,是政府規劃的未來明星產業,而動物疫苗則是生物科技範疇中一項最重要的科技產業,它強調研發及創新,是屬於知識密集之尖端科學產業。 根據每年畜產量來統計,評估台灣動物用疫苗市場總值約為18億新台幣左右,其中屬於國產疫苗比例不到三成,使得國內畜牧業對動物用疫苗的需求多使用外來品,因此如何提升國內動物用疫苗產業便是當今大家討論重要的課題。本研究之主要目的係透過相關文獻,台灣動物用疫苗市場現況的資料,以及外商動物用疫苗公司高階主管、專業經理人之深度訪談,將現階段外商動物用疫苗經營策略加以分析,歸納出國外大廠經營策略之關鍵成功因素,提供給國內動物用疫苗廠作為借鏡,藉以提升國內業者的產業發展,進而擴大市場佔有率。 本研究的範圍是台灣動物用疫苗市場之外商公司,針對這幾家具有代表性的國外大廠,進行對高階主管深度問卷訪談,從生產、行銷、人事、研發及財務資訊等構面,設計出30題問卷,並區分為重要性、落實滿意度,及期望落差進行評估,希望透過專業經理人,了解外商公司對台灣動物用疫苗市場的看法,並參考其經營策略,歸納出關鍵成功因素。


Biotechnology industry has grown rapidly since 1970 and become the mainstream of high-tech industry for the past ten years. To develop in accordance with the biotechnology advancement and apply “To Challenge 2008 - National Priority Plan” Executive Yuan impelled, draws up “Two Trillion and Twin Star Industries Development Plan” by the ministry of economic affairs, outlines our country core value and the emergent industry policy direction explicitly. The biotechnology industry is indeed one of Twin Star Industries. Therefore it will be our future industry which government plans. But the animal vaccine is exactly in the biotechnology category. It emphasized the importance of research, development and innovation. Through the related literature, Taiwan animal vaccine market materials, as well as the interview of higher managers of foreign animal vaccine company, the main purpose of this research is to provide the information of foreign merchant animal vaccine management strategy to the domestic animal business. By observing other vaccine factories, key of success factors are to promotes the domestic entrepreneur's industrial development and then expand the market share. This scope of this research is foreign companies of Taiwan vaccine market. Carrying on the interview to higher management of these big companies, designs 30 questionnaire covered production, marketing, human affairs, research vs development and financial information, differentiates for the importance, carries out the degree of satisfaction, and the expectation variance on the appraisal. Hopefully the local vaccine companies can understand its management strategy to conclude the key successful factors further.


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