  • 學位論文


The Study of Blue-Ocean Marketing Strategies for Taiwan Orchids

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


台灣本身是一個四面環海的小島國,地處亞熱帶氣候區,地理環境優良,挾此 天然之優勢,本身所生產的產品主要也是提供出口外銷,然而在花卉產業中尤其以 蘭花的生長以及培育技術有亮眼的成績。在花卉博覽會眾多的檢討項目中,花卉博 覽會主題不夠明確也未達到行銷台灣特色花卉蘭花產業之成果,忽略了提升長期的 發展趨勢與經濟利益為動機,促使本研究集中於除了台灣蘭花產業檢討改進,著重 政府應如何輔助台灣蘭花產業成長以及業者如何拓展台灣蘭花行銷新市場。 本研究採取的研究方法分為兩種:第一種是「文獻分析法」來探討蘭花產業所採 用的研究方法與結果,第二種是「深度訪談法」,以開放式的問題訪問與蘭花產業相 關專家。結果顯示出台灣新的藍海市場,其分為大藍海與小藍海:大藍海是探討國 際市場,台灣由於交通與地緣的關係,本研究著重在小藍海,小藍海策略其一是蘭 花鮮花市場可以主打亞洲,而無季節限制的副產品可開拓至歐洲市場。再來是禮品 市場拓展歐洲市場以及國內市場的開發。最後提出對台灣蘭花產業在國際行銷以及 國內經營的研究建議,作為政府輔助台灣蘭花產業的基礎目標,使其更站穩在國際 市場的舞台。


As a small subtropical island nation surrounded by the ocean with excellent geographical turn-key location, Taiwan relies on this advantage to develop its primary economy by product export. However, this advantage has not been fully utilized in flower industry, especially in marketing of orchid breed improvement technology and industry. In 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, promotion of orchid was not solid enough to achieve a broader goal in shaping a distinctive product/technology image for Taiwan’s orchid breeding industry. The exposition also ignored to accommodate long-term development trends and defining economic incentives for the industry. This research and dissertation primarily focused on two perspectives: fist perspective is to review the growth of orchid industry in Taiwan. Second perspective is focused on how the Taiwanese government can both support growth of this industry and help to develop international marketing for orchid export to the new markets. Two research methods were adopted in this research: the first method was literature analysis to review orchid breed development method and overall development of orchid industry in Taiwan. The second method was taking the depth interview across experts in the industry. Using open questions to shape and define potential “blue ocean” markets. “Blue ocean” markets from the analysis were further broken down into by two types: major “blue ocean” market was referring to international export, including Asian markets for fresh orchid delivery, and sub-products for European markets due to geographic location constraints of Taiwan. Minor “blue ocean” market was to penetrate domestic gift markets. As a result, the research offered strategic recommendations on international export and domestic sub-markets penetration. This research hopefully could serve as the baseline for the government in defining policies supporting the industry, and support stabilizing market positioning for international export.


