  • 學位論文


Historical memory and Revitalization Movements - Using Beitouyang of the Jiali Town in Tainan County as an Example

指導教授 : 林美容


順應著台灣本土化的潮流,平埔研究也開始大量的被挖掘和研究,文獻和歷史的片段越來越多被呈現於大眾之前,也衝擊到許多人對於自己族群認同,平埔族群開始積極展開文化重建以及自我意識的凝聚,不同的族群有著不同的歷史背景和生活環境遭遇,所以發展的方向文化復振運動的施力點也有所不同。 西拉雅族群的語言流失是復振運動中最大的阻力,但是祭儀仍然流傳以及信仰仍在生活中進行,族群的集體記憶還是鮮明,這是西拉雅族最大的族群標記,也是西拉雅族在文化復振運動中最大的籌碼,所以西拉雅族群便朝著『儀式再現』、『信仰傳承』、『平反歷史』的大方向進行著復振運動的努力。 佳里鎮北頭洋是西拉雅族四大社中的蕭瓏社,歷史文獻中清楚的指出北頭洋是蕭瓏社最早的的生活地點,北頭洋現在阿立祖信仰圈仍然存在,縱然其他宗教信仰相繼進入北頭洋,阿立祖信仰仍然扮演一定角色,阿立祖和民間信仰在當地有著複雜的分工和關係,對於小孩的成長以及收驚的功用是北頭洋阿立祖重要的功能,也就是說交雜的信仰當中,兩者皆分工並無衝突產生。 當地積極的用『展演』的方式來復振保存西拉雅文化,也設立了西拉雅文物館,從建築到建築地點、當地人都請示阿立祖後才著手進行,並且透過全村共同討論和建造的過程,共加緊密的凝聚當地共同意識,另外在當地消失已久夜祭也透過與其他部落的協助下重現。 本文除了紀錄和分析過去北頭洋文化復振運動的歷程之外,在田調之後認為建立當地的部落歷史是相當重要的,過去都是透過日本學者以及清朝方志當中找尋有關北頭洋的文獻訊息,不過卻忽略荷蘭時期荷蘭人在當地有極為重要的建設,例如台灣第一個神學院就是設置在蕭壠社。另外也會完整


復振運動 歷史記憶 西拉雅


With the trend of local consciousness in Taiwan, the researches of Pingpu tribes are getting more and more. There are many documents and historical fragments displayed in front of the public; that influences many people’s ethnic identity towards their own groups. Therefore, the Pingpu tribes begin actively to reconstruct their own culture and congregate their self-consciousness. Different groups have different historical background and environment experience, so the points to develop culture reconstruction are also different. The loss of the language of the Siraya tribe is the biggest obstruction of revival. However, the worships and religious beliefs are carried out in life, and the group memory is still clear-cut; this is not only the most obvious group mark of the Sirarya tribe, but also the key factor during the culture reconstruction. Because of these reasons, the Siraya tribe is striving toward the movement of revival under the three main aspects – reappearance of rites, continuity of belief, and redress of the history. The locals revive and preserve the culture of Siraya by exhibition and performance, and they also have established the Siraya Museum after asking for the instructions of Alid, including the the aspects of the architecture and the location. Besides, through the discussion of the whole villagers and the course of construction, the local consciousness has been congregated more. In addition, the night festival, which has lost in that area for a long time, reappears by the help of other tribes. For example, the first School of Theology in Taiwan was located in Shiau-Lung-She. Besides, this article also completely collects and analyzes all the domicile information during Japanese Colonization in order to set up the more useful papers for that area.


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