  • 學位論文


Writing a History for Flowers:Qun Fang Pu and the Development of Plant Pulu in the Ming-Qing Period

指導教授 : 林麗月


明清時期出版業發達,加速了知識流通速度,明清文人流行編寫植物譜錄,是十分值得注意的書籍史現象。近年來明清書籍史興起,學者多將研究目光投注於戲曲小說、醫書、家譜、官箴書、制舉書籍、日用類書、法律書籍等幾個文類,少有研究論及植物譜錄,本文價值在補充這一空白之處,旨在探究明清植物譜錄的書寫歷史。以明末王象晉(1561-1653)《二如亭群芳譜》,以及康熙時汪灝(1658-?)等編《御製佩文齋廣群芳譜》前後兩書為研究對象,介紹其刊印經過、纂輯內容、書寫模式,及於外在思想文化氛圍,探究一書由私撰到官修性質轉變的過程。進而討論譜錄類在明清公私藏書目錄中呈現的分類變化。 自南宋尤袤(1127-1194)《遂初堂書目》鑑於唐宋間植物譜錄數量繁多,特立譜錄類以來,宋明植物譜錄的圖書分類歸屬即與農書、類書糾纏不清,尚待解決。本文擬分從兩個層面探討圖書分類問題。其一,就編者撰作動機而言,由植物譜錄序跋所見,透露了編者如何看待這一類書籍,其中蘊含的評賞意識是不可忽略的部份。其二,考察植物譜錄在明清公私藏書目錄中的分類變化。以《四庫全書總目提要》為主要材料,旁及其他公私書目與文獻學、目錄學學者看法,確定圖書性質。此外,圖像的使用,是明清植物譜錄發展的重要突破。隨著活躍於乾嘉時代的吳其濬(1789-1847)於道光28年(1848年)出版略具近代植物誌雛形的《植物名實圖考》一書後,繪圖而非僅有文字描述成為植物判別的重要指標,植物譜錄也隨之走入歷史。


Publishing boom helped accelerate the circulation of knowledge during the Ming-Qing period. The Ming-Qing literatis generally worte plant pulu(植物譜錄), which is a noteworthy phenomenon. In recent years, although scholars have examine drama, fiction, medical text, genealogy, adminstrative text, commercial publication for examinations, encyclopedia, law text, and several other genres, but few studies discuss plant pulu or explore its meanings in the Ming-Qing writing history. This thesis aims to explain how it formed and developed. “Er ru ting qun fang pu,” edited by the late Ming literati Wang Xiangjn (1561-1653) and “Guang qun fang pu,” edited by Wang Hao (1658 -?) Et al in Kangxi(1662-1722)era, this two books are one of the object of this study. From its publishing progresses, contents, writing styles to the external cultural atmosphere, this thesis will examine how this two books changed from the private writings to the official compilation. Then discuss the classification of pulu(譜錄)in the private and the government book catalogs. In particular, since Southern Song literati You Mao (1127-1194) noted that during Tang-Song era many literatis liked to write pulu and set pulu in his book catalog “Suichu tang shumu,” pulu, leishu(類書), and nongshu (農書) were easily confused. Therefore, there are some problems to be resolved yet. This thesis points out two phases. First, the motive of editor, recorded by prefaces and postscripts, revealed how literatis treat this type of book. These books contained critical consciousness of appreciation can not be ignored. Second, this study observes on the classification of plant pulu in the Ming-Qing book catalogs. After discussing main material ”Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao,” Ming-Qing book catalogs and the viewpoints of philology and bibliography scholars, we can determine what pulu is. In addition, the use of image was the important breakthrough in the development of Ming-Qing plant pulu. With Wu Qijn (1789-1847) living during the Qianlong (1735-1796)and Jiaqing(1796-1820)periods, his successor published “Zhiwu mingshi tukao,” in 1848, a modern flora alike. After its publication, not only word descriptions but images became key indicators of a plant identification, and therefore plant pulu also went behind the scenes.


王一樵,〈評述Cynthia J. Brokaw, Commerce in culture:the Sibao book trade in the Qing and Republican periods〉,《臺大歷史學報》第44期,2009年12月,頁219-229。


