  • 學位論文


Incorporating Low-Frequency Noise Regulations into Environmental Impact Assessment – Consideration and Implementation

指導教授 : 李育明


台灣都會區人口隨著經濟發展快速成長,使得都會區內車水馬龍、街景繁榮,伴隨而來的道路交通擁擠、住宅比鄰工業區,吵雜環境降低了都會區生活品質,長期易使人體內分泌失調、造成壓迫感、影響睡眠、引起激烈情緒之行為,甚至導致神經衰弱、憂鬱症等神經官能疾病。並對其周圍生態造成影響。故,政府為維護生活環境及自然生態,在做大型開發時,必須先以環境影響評估來做為開發之依據。 低頻噪音之影響雖不如中高頻噪音來的立即性,但長期遭受低頻噪音之影響亦會造成人體之生理及心理上之危害。低頻噪音之特性較中高頻噪音穿透性高、傳遞距離更遠且防制不易,且國內低頻噪音問題日益嚴重,故環保署在參考各國相關研究,並評估我國環境現況後,訂定我國各類低頻噪音管制標準。 我國在環境影響上評估上,對於應實施環評之開發場所其規範為須符合法規規定,然目前針對低頻噪音之評估規範及相關辦法皆無標準可遵循,導致開發單位在開發過程中針對噪音影響評估僅限於全頻部分,無法有效的界定低頻噪音之危害與其影響範圍,並做評估及管理改善。我國既已制定低頻噪音之管制標準,應更全面的制定相關作業標準與規範,使低頻噪音在開發前、開發中與營運後能夠有效的管理與控制,以減低低頻噪音之影響,維護環境安寧及避免糾紛之衍生。 本研究透過資料蒐集與藉由專家學者訪談,並彙整國內目前低頻噪音環境影響評估之問題與執行上之困難,以提供後續相關研究之參考。


The urban population grew with economic inclination collaterally. However, it has brought noisy traffic, and crowds; even worse, it usually neighbor with growing industrial arena. Long-term exposure in such environment could led to endocrine disturbance, feeling of stress, sleeping disturbance, or psychasthenia, irritation, depression…etc. The complications would not only affect individuals, but also families and friends. In order to mitigate such impacts, a careful Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system is necessary for protecting living qualities and maintaining ecological balance. Although the impact and influence of Low-Frequency Noise is not as immediately as mid-high frequency noise, long-term exposure to Low-Frequency Noise could possibly damages human being physically and psychologically. Low-Frequency Noise is more penetrative, long distance transmission than mid-high frequency, and also more difficult to prevent. Furthermore, the Low-Frequency Noise problem is getting worse in Taiwan. In addition to solve this problem, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan government has carried out a monitoring system with incorporation of related studies and currently practical situations of environment here in Taiwan. All the related development sites should comply with EIA procedure especially those are requested by law; however, it is lacking of standardized working procedure about Low-Frequency Noise assessment. In such condition, the noise assessment was only based on the level of whole frequency. Therefore, it cannot execute the assessments effectively. Since EPA has defined the Low-Frequency Noise and related monitoring system, it’s necessary to develop a standardized procedure to manage and control the Low-Frequency Noise during the whole development to prevent Low-Frequency Noise. In this study, we have obtained the information from interviewing the related experts, summarized the reports on Low-Frequency Noise and the present bottlenecks. We hope that it could provides some useful information for the further studies.




