  • 學位論文


A Research on Literary Bibliographical Data in Local Chronicles of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties - Mainly About Styles and Formats

指導教授 : 王國良


方志為中國文獻之一,其內容包羅萬象,對於研究古代地方政經、文化,均有重要價值。本論文針對地方志中藝文經籍資料作一深入彙整,擇其內容為書目型資料彙編者,剔除詩文全錄之文藝性資料,以了解方志藝文志(或經籍志)之編纂方式與史志之相似性,更能明瞭浙江地方之著述情形及學術文化之風。   後人研究一地之著述,可從史志著手,亦可從地方藝文經籍資料著手,尤其方志修纂皆有其規定時間,所蒐集之書目,或前代遺留,或當代可見,對於後世研究者而言,其豐富之著述量,絕不能錯過。尤其通志及府志之藝文經籍資料完整,絕對可補史志及私人書目之缺。以《浙江通志》而言,明嘉靖本所蒐書目已依四部分類,其著述或經戰亂而遺失,清康熙時所修之《浙江通志》反不如明嘉靖本詳盡,因而研究明代浙江藏書者,便可從嘉靖本得明時藏書情形。甚至可從嘉靖本與康熙本詳加比對,可窺得明末清初之藏書及著述變化。   本論文以筆者所能蒐得之現存地方志為研究範圍,將浙江方志中藝文經籍資料整理歸納,別門別類加以比較,歸納方志藝文志或經籍志編纂之定性及其變性及其類名稱之使用規則。再將類目名稱及內容編纂形式與正史藝文志相較,比較兩者名稱之異同,更從各方志藝文志序中了解編纂者在編纂時所採用之觀念,有助於釐清方志藝文經籍資料之存在價值。   本論文分為七個章節。第一章節為緒論,說明地方志對統治者之價值,及簡介前人對於方志藝文志之研究及貢獻;第二章為浙江地方志藝文經籍資料編纂概述,簡介浙江方志編纂情況並對「藝文經籍資料」出現於地方志之時間及資料概況做一深入研究;第三章與第四章為明清浙江方志藝文經籍資料之呈現形式,以類目名稱為主分類,再以其內容之詳簡分項,其次再依編輯方式分述;第五章為比較浙江古地方志之連續性,說明更小區域編志之連續性,其或同或異,以了解同一地區不同時期之編纂概要;第六章將方志藝文經籍性資料與其他形態之藝文經籍資料比較,筆者利用橫向比較(與史志相比)及緃向心較(與宋元及後世相比),深入了解方志藝文經籍資料之規則;第七章總結,並歸納方志藝文經籍資料之實用價值。   深入研究方志藝文經籍資料,能從中得到珍貴資訊,對於學術之考鏡源流及一地之著述文化皆能獲得更多訊息,絕不可輕忽其重要性。


A local chronicle is a kind of Chinese literatures, and the content is inclusive of everything. Thus it has important values for studying ancient local politics, economics and cultures. This thesis aims at literary or bibliographical data in local chronicles for an in-depth compilation. It selects those with contents of bibliographical compilations, eliminating literary data like collections of poetry, to understand the similarity of compilation ways between local chronicles, literary chronicles (or bibliographical chronicles) and historic chronicles, and to realize more about the situations of compilations and the style of academic and culture in the Zhejiang area. When studying compilations of a place, later generations may start with historic chronicles, or with local literary bibliographies. Particularly, there was always a range of time for compiling a chronicle. The bibliography it gathered was left behind by the previous generation, or could be seen by the generation at that time. The abundant amount of compilations can’t be missed for later researchers. Above all, literary bibliographical data in general chronicles and prefecture chronicles are complete, and they are definitely qualified to reinforce the deficiency of historic chronicles and private bibliographies. In terms of Zhejiang General Chronicle, bibliographies gathered in the Jiajing version of the Ming Dynasty were categorized according to four divisions. Some of the compilations disappeared in the turmoil of war. The version of Zhejiang General Chronicle compiled during the Kangxi Period of the Qing Dynasty was not detailed as the Jiajing version of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, after studying the book collection in Zhejiang of the Ming Dynasty, we may realize the situation of book collection in the Ming Dynasty from the Jiajing version. We may even see changes of book collections and compilations in the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty. In this thesis, the research scope is the existing local chronicles the author is able to gather. Among Zhejiang local chronicles, literary bibliographical data is arranged and generalized, and compared systematically. Constancy or denaturation of compilations for local chronicles, literary chronicles, or bibliographical chronicles, and rules for use of their category names are generalized. Then, category names and compilation forms of contents are compared with literary chronicles in historiographies about similarities and dissimilarities between their names. In addition, we understand the concepts the compilers adopted during their compilations from prefaces in various local chronicles and literary chronicles, which may be contributive to clarify values of literary bibliographical data of local chronicles. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, describing the values of local chronicles to a ruler, and briefly introducing predecessors’ researches and contributions to local chronicles and literary chronicles. Chapter 2 is a summary of the compilations of Zhejiang literary bibliographical data in local chronicles, introducing the compilation situation of Zhejiang local chronicles, and doing an in-depth research about the time when “literary bibliographical data” appeared in local chronicles and the general situation of data. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are about the expression styles of literary bibliographical data in Zhejiang local chronicles in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, using category names as the main category. Then they are divided into items based on the details of contents. Moreover, they are described respectively according to compilation ways. Chapter 5 compares continuity of Zhejiang ancient local chronicles, and describes continuity of compiling chronicles in a smaller area. Some are the same and some are different, thus we understand the general situation of compilations at different times in the same area. Chapter 6 compares literary bibliographical data in local chronicles and other types of literary bibliographical data. The author uses a horizontal comparison (compared with historic chronicles) and a vertical comparison (compared with the Song and the Yuan Dynasties and later dynasties), to understand the rules of literary bibliographical data in local chronicles. Chapter 7 is the conclusion, and it generalizes the practical values of literary bibliographical data in local chronicles. One can obtain precious information when going deep into literary bibliographies in Chinese local chronicles, and the importance can’t definitely be ignored since we can get more messages with respect to both academic textual criticism and the compilation culture of a place.


7.〈宋代圖書編纂出版紀事──圖經(北宋)〉 李致忠 文獻季刊 2004年第1期、第3期 頁4-16、頁19-32 2004年1月、2004年7月
8.〈宋代圖書編纂出版紀事──圖經地理(南宋)〉 李致忠 文獻季刊 2004年第4期、2005年第1期 頁4-18、4-24 2004年10月、2005年1月
1.地方文獻從搜集到利用 焦靜宜 地方文獻學術研究會議論文 行政院文化建設委員會,國家圖書館漢學研究中心主辦,國立臺北大學協辦 臺北市:國家圖書館漢學研究中心 2002年
2.清領前期臺灣散文正典的生成──以《臺灣府志》〈藝文志〉為範圍(1696-1764) 施懿琳 地方文獻學術研究會議論文 行政院文化建設委員會,國家圖書館漢學研究中心主辦,國立臺北大學協辦 臺北市:國家圖書館漢學研究中心 2002年
