  • 學位論文


The Exploration of the Community Care Vistor for Psychiatric Patients’s Roll Stress and Job Burnout in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 魏芳婉


根據衛生署的統計指出,我國出院後需要追蹤照護的精神病患有逐年增加的趨勢,因此於2006年開辦精神疾病社區關懷訪視計畫,透過此計畫聘用社區關懷訪視員,期待強化社區精神疾病照顧體系,加速精神疾病患者社區生活適應。然而在此計畫中面臨許多困境,包含訪視經驗不足、服務區域太大舟車勞頓、負荷感過重而離職率高、縣市資源不足等問題,進而造成訪視員的角色壓力與工作倦怠。因此本研究欲探討社區關懷訪視員之背景因素、工作特性、組織因素與社會支持對角色壓力與工作倦怠之影響。 本研究以101年度全臺地區現任社區關懷訪視員為研究對象,運用問卷調查之方式共發出153份,回收120份,回收率為78.4%,其中106份為有效問卷進行研究分析。研究採量化統計分析方法,運用SPSS12.0版套裝軟體進行分析。 研究者利用描述性統計分析結果為,社區關懷訪視員之角色壓力分數為中度偏低,工作倦怠分數為中度偏高,社會支持分數則中度偏高。再利用單因子變異數與皮爾森相關分析角色壓力與工作倦怠之相關因素,發現社會支持與角色壓力及工作倦怠之分項皆有相關性。另運用多元迴歸分析探討角色壓力與工作倦怠的影響因素發現,角色壓力之決定的因素分別為「所屬機構」;工作倦怠之決定因素為「性別」、「社會支持」。 依據上述研究發現,從政策與實務面提供有關單位關於社區關懷訪視計畫及訪視計畫之相關建議,在服務過程中提升訪視服務品質,藉此降低社區關懷訪視員之角色壓力與工作倦怠。最後,闡述本研究之研究限制與未來研究建議。


According to the Statistics of the Department of Health ,there have significant growth in the Psychiatric Patients need to follow-up care after discharge. So the Government was launched the program for Psychiatric Patients through the community care service in 2006. In the program, there hired some community care visitors to strengthen community Psychiatric care systems, accelerate the adaptation in community life of Psychiatric Patients. However, there have many difficulties in this plan, including to the visits experience is lacking, the service area is too large to travel, load sense too heavy and high turnover rate, the city and county resources are insufficient and other issues, and cause the visitors’ role stress and job burnout. Therefore, the research is to explore the members of the community care visitors background factors, work characteristics, organizational factors and social support to role stress and job burnout. In this research, the targets are the current community care visitors at 101 annual in Taiwan. The method is questionnaire survey , and there are 153 questionnaires and 120 replies, the response rate is 78.4%,the valid questionnaires is 106. And the investigating data was analyzed by SPSS12.0 . By using descriptive statistic, the findings show that community care visitors’s score is lower and the job burnout scores is higher, and social support score is moderately high. And by using one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis, the finding shows that social support are correlation of role stress and job burnout. Another use of multiple regression analysis indicates that one factor determine the role stress: affiliation, and two factors determine the job stress: (1) gender (2) social support. Based on the findings above provide insights and suggestions for Psychiatric Patients through the community care service. To improve the service quality of the visits in the service process ,and to reduce the role stress and job burnout of visitors. The limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are stated in the final part of the paper.




