《黃帝內經》是中醫理論典籍,自古以來被醫家視為圭臬。「熱病」是人類歷史上早有記載的疾病,2002年發生過的嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS),在中國傳統醫學也是被歸類為外感熱病的一種。《黃帝內經》中所論的「熱病」,是由外邪引起,有明顯發熱現象為特徵的一類疾病,以「熱病」統稱之。《黃帝內經》的熱病理論為中國傳統醫學外感熱病的形成與發展奠定基礎。《黃帝內經》這部書,有關目錄學、版本學、校勘學的深入研究,有極珍貴價值。這方面的研究,可以呈現其在文獻學上的意義。本論文以全面分析《黃帝內經》在外感熱病學上整體性的成就,並且進一步論述《黃帝內經》理論對東漢末年張仲景的傷寒學說、宋元明清時期的溫病學之影響。 本論文共分為五章,各章之要點如下:第一章:緒論。本章說明研究的動機,敘述研究的目的與方法,並對前人相關的研究成果做一回顧與檢討。第二章:《黃帝內經》的成書及相關問題探討。就《黃帝內經》的成書時代、書名、作者及流傳情形去討論,重點在於考證《黃帝內經》成書年代困難的幾個相關問題探討。第三章:《黃帝內經》之「熱病」的定義與內涵分析。專就熱病病名源流作探討,並分析傷寒的意義。第四章:《黃帝內經》之「熱病」的發展與文獻學研究。敘述「熱病」在歷代的發展情形,從中認識《黃帝內經》關於「熱病」的內容特色,討論歷代醫家對「熱病」的理論與處理方法。並探討目錄學、版本學、校勘學方面的議題。第五章:結論。總結全文的討論,期望透過本文的分析,對《黃帝內經》的價值能有較為整體性的認識,對於「熱病」有更深入的瞭解。
The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine is a medical literature of traditional Chinese medicine theory and considered as the standard by medical scientists of different dynasty.The febrile disease appeared in ancient China and recorded by historians.The severe acute respiratory syndrome which occurred in 2002 is also one of febrile diseases.Those diseases which were caused by exogenous pathogen,characterized by being obvious fever were called febrile disease in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. The Huangti-naegean sets up a foundation for the formation and development of the febrile diseases theory in traditional Chinese medicine.A deep study of the book on bibliography、edition and textual criticism is very valuable.It presents the contributions of the book in the study of the Chinese documentology.This thesis proves the profound impact of febrile disease theory of the Huangti-naegean on the cold pathogenic disease theory sponsored by Zhang Znong-jing in the end of east Hang Dynasty and the epidemic febrile disease theory which appeared in the Song-Yuan and Ming-Qing period. There are five chapters in the thesis. Chapter one is a introduction . The second chapter discusses the background of the book’s engrossment. The third chapter studies the disease name origins. The fourth chapter explains the contribution completely for the book of the study of the febrile disease theory in the history and documentology. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. I hope analyses above will make people have further understanding in the febrile disease of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine.