  • 學位論文


The Impact of Social Capital on the Elderly’s Self-Rated Health and Medical Care Utilization

指導教授 : 林翠芳


根據民國96年全民健保統計資料,60歲以上的老年人個人醫療費用支出大約占全部個人醫療支出的35.54%,因此如何增進或維持老年人的健康,顯然是政府未來研究及努力的方向,因健康的老年人口愈多,社會所需負擔的醫療成本及福利支出就愈少。 影響個人健康的因素除人力資本外,經濟變數和社會變數也具有一定的影響力,社會資本是社會變數中很重要的項目之一。本文的研究目的為探討社會資本對老年人自評健康與其醫療服務利用之影響。本文使用「2005年65歲以上國民健康訪問調查個人問卷資料」,探討社會資本對老年人自評健康的影響,進而討論老年人醫療服務利用的情況,計量方法先使用序列機率模型估計社會資本對自評健康狀態的影響,再以負二項模型估計社會資本對老人醫療服務利用的影響。本文使用社會網絡及參與社團代表社會資本變數;本文分析之自評健康包含自評健康狀態及自評心理健康,醫療服務利用分為門診及住院兩個方向來探討。 本文估計之結果在自評健康方面,社會資本變數對自評健康狀態及心理健康均呈顯著正向的關係,表示平時與他人交流較頻繁或有參與社團者,認為自己的健康狀況較好,也對自身的心理健康狀況具較正面的看法。醫療服務利用方面,社會資本變數對老人是否使用門診服務無顯著影響,但對有使用門診服務的老人而言,社會網絡對門診服務使用量呈顯著正向的影響;社團參與對門診服務使用量呈顯著的負向的影響。至於住院的部份,社會網絡對是否使用住院服務呈不顯著負向影響,對住院服務使用量呈不顯著正向的影響。參與社團對是否使用住院服務及住院服務使用量皆有顯著負向的影響。表示老人社會資本愈高其使用住院服務的可能性愈低,但住院服務使用量愈多,但後者的效果不明顯。 本文建議政府可以透過舉辦各式適合老年人參與的活動,或透過對民間團體的補貼,推廣老年人的社團活動,提升老年人的健康。另外政府除了開辦老朋友專線,被動地接受民眾諮詢外,各地方的社會局也應深入社區,主動關懷社區內老年人的身心健康,營造出一個健康的社會。


The medical expenditures of the elderly account for a large part of total personal medical expenditures in Taiwan. Hence, how to contain medical care costs of the elderly and enhance their general health has become an important issue. The major objective of this essay is to explore the impact of social capital on self-rated health status and medical service utilizations for the Taiwanese elderly. The data used for this study is the 2005 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). We use the Ordered Probit Model and Negative Binomial Model to study the effect of social capital on health status and use of medical services. In this essay, indicators of social capital include social networks and membership variables. From the estimation results, we find that social capital variables have produced a significant and positive impact on self-rated health for those who aged over 65. In the outpatient estimation part, social capital variables do not affect the probability of using outpatient service significantly. The membership variable has produced a significant and negative impact on number of outpatient visits. However, people with more social networks tend to have more outpatient visits. Lastly, indicators of social capital are negatively associated with the probability of using inpatient care services. Moreover, the membership variable produces a significant and negative effect on number of inpatient visits. Taken together, we find that indicators of social capital are important factors in determinants of health status and medical care utilizations. We suggest that the government could promote the elderly related activities or subsidize elderly clubs or associations in order to enhance older people’s health and reduce their use of medical care services.


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