  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Economic Benefit of Reducing Carbon Emissions of CDM Project in Industry Departments: Case Study of China Steel Combined Heat and Power Factory

指導教授 : 李堅明


本研究利用聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)之清潔發展機制(Clean Development Mechanism, CDM)計畫方法學,分析中鋼公司以天然氣汽電共生取代外購電力之節能減碳效益,並利用淨現值法分析(Net Present Value, NPV)評估其經濟效益。由於發電係數是影響減碳與經濟效益的關鍵,本研究進一步比較台灣2007年之發電係數(0.637公斤CO2/度)與CDM方法學計算之發電係數(0.772公斤CO2/度)之減碳與經濟效益之差異。獲得本研究主要結論如下:(1)天然氣複循環汽電共生機組CDM計畫,以發電係數0.637公斤CO2/度計算,每年減碳效益為323,601噸;如果以發電係數0.772公斤CO2/度計算,每年減碳效益增加為579,852噸;(2)天然氣複循環汽電共生機組CDM計畫具有龐大的減碳效益,每年大約可以減少323,601噸CO2排放量(以發電係數0.637公斤/度計算),如果天然氣複循環汽電共生機組平均使用年限為十五年,則十五年合計可以減排4,854,015噸CO2。(3)倘若輔以CDM計畫之減碳效益,以及調降發電成本,則具經濟可行性。然而,發電係數水準關鍵因子,若以0.637公斤/度計算,發電成本降低20%,其CDM損益平衡之CERs價格約介於18~25美元/CERs;若以CDM方法學所計算之電力係數於發電成本降低20%,其CDM損益平衡之CERs價格約介於8~14美元/CERs;(4)由於台灣發電係數(0.637公斤CO2/度)考量線損,因此,相較於CDM方法學計算之發電係數(0.772公斤CO2/度)偏低,降低天然氣汽電共生CDM計算之減碳效益與經濟效益


The purpose of this study were to analyze the advantages of Carbon Reduction that procured by China Steel Combined Heat and Power, CHP project via Clean Development Mechanism, CDM developed by UNFCCC, and to assess the economic Benefit via Net Present Value, NPV. In consideration of Electricity generation parameter was the critical factor to impact the economic benefits, this study probed into the differences in reducing carbon emissions between electricity generation parameter of Taiwan 2007(0.637kg CO2/ degree) and electricity generation parameter of CDM (0.772kg CO2/degree). The major findings were as follows: (a) By implementing CCGT, CDM project, base on the electricity generation parameter of CDM 0.637kg CO2/ degree, the carbon emissions could be reduced by 323,601 tons per year; and base on the electricity generation parameters of 0.637kg CO2/ degree, the carbon emissions could be reduced by 579,852 tons per year. (b) In accordance with the above finding, base on the electricity generation parameter of CDM 0.637kg CO2/ degree, the carbon emissions could be reduced by 323,601 tons per year, to multiply CHP’s average useful life fifteen years, clearly, the the carbon emissions could be cut by 4,854,015 tons. (c) It was practicable to use CDM project to reduce carbon emissions, however, the electricity generation parameter was the critical factor, the CERs value was between 18 and 25 US dollars/CERs base on 0.637kg/CO2degress and reduced the cost by 20%, but the CERs value was between 8 and 14 US dollars/CERs and reduced the cost by 20% when using CDM methodology (d) The economic benefit of carbon reduction of CDM (0.772kg/ CO2/degree) was more evident than electricity parameter of Taiwan (0.637kgCO2/degree), since CDM eliminates wire damage of electricity generation.


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