  • 學位論文


Perceptions of the Administrative Elites on Ethics in the Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 黃朝盟


倫理係人類起源同時存有,是人類文明發展與生活品質提升的主要憑藉。回顧歷史的腳步,近年來社會變遷快速,在面臨許多重要變革之下,行政倫理生態正處於巨大衝擊。於現今社會中,國內外無論公私部門時常發生員工或主管循私舞弊,諸如前總統陳水扁之國務機要費案、署立醫院採購弊案、台北市新生高架橋弊案、高雄捷運涉嫌綁標、警界與司法官爆發集體貪瀆案件、軍官傳出之買官賣官之疑雲,以及四處林立浪費公帑之蚊子館等貪腐問題一一被揭露,因此組織內不適當的倫理認知,影響到的不僅是行政機關本身,甚至是國家聲望及社會道德觀的敗壞。所以除了必須兼顧利害關係及大眾福祉外,更應善盡社會公民的責任,肩負起道德重建的新時代使命。而許多學者認為應有一套規範系統,使員工依此為藉,其可借由行政倫理的養成及塑造來達成。 然而公共管理研究中對於行政倫理認知之研究較為缺乏,故本研究期能藉由探討台北市政府之行政倫理認知,提供公共管理者經營策略上之參考。此外,台灣的私人部門對於倫理認知之概念早已積極面對,而公部門方屬於起步階段,本研究也希望藉此拋磚引玉,期望未來公行界能夠發展出一套適合衡量政府機關行政倫理認知的調查工具。 而本研究希望藉由探討台北市政府行政菁英行政倫理認知現況,經由實證分析達到以下幾項主要目的:首先,本研究將取得台北市政府九職等以上公務人員之實證資料,以做為後續研究之基礎。其次,本研究藉由不同管道搜集「行政倫理認知」之相關文獻並加以整理,以釐清相關議題與概念。再來,本研究將探討由James S. Bowman於2008年於PAR發表為美國ASPA的年度調查所創設之行政倫理量表,是否適用於台灣的公務部門(台北市政府),並藉由調查台北市政府之行政倫理傾向,打破以往研究行政倫理傾向皆以規範性研究為主之情形。並依據研究的結果提出結論與建議,提供學術界後續的研究者之參考。


Ethic and Human Origins is developing at the same time, and it is the main reason developing of human civilization and enhancing the quality of life. Looking back at history, rapid social changes in recent years, in many important changes administrative ethics are in the face a huge impact. In today's society, not only domestic and foreign but also public and private sector employees have corruption problems. So, have a bad ethical recognition in organization influence not only itself, but also national prestige and corruption of moral society. Many scholars believe that it should have norms, which may let employees to follow, and it develop and shape by administration ethical climate. However, in the administration of public management research is in the less of ethical recognition research. Therefore, this article belief that study of Taipei City Government administrative ethical recognition can provide public managers on strategy reference. In addition, private sector has been concerned with ethical recognition long time, but public sector is in the beginning, so this study also hopes to develop a measure tool to measure of administration ethical recognition in governments. Therefore, the aim of this article is to determine Taipei City Government Administrative Elite status of ethical recognition, through the empirical analysis to achieve the following main objectives: First, this study will get the Taipei City Government Administrative Elite’s information to make the basis for further study. Second, this study use different approach to collect "administrative ethical recognition " in literatures and collated it, in order to clarify the relevant issues and concepts. Then, this study will explore the James S. Bowman in 2008, published in PAR's Annual Survey for the United States, and use ASPA administrative ethics scale, to understand is it applicable to Taiwan's public sector (the Taipei City Government), and by investigating administrative ethics tend of Taipei City, can break the previous studies tend to begin with the normative research of administrative ethics. To conclude this study may be follow-up of academic researchers.


