  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Consumer’s Preference and Design Attribute for Paper Gift Box of Mooncake Festival Package

指導教授 : 黃琡雅


包裝設計可說是商品行銷之重要利器。隨著生活品質的日益提升,包裝與今日的生活更為密不可分。包裝的意義已由單純的保護商品、促進商品銷售,進而拓展至人際關係之提升,人們常運用佳節送禮以傳達祝福之美意。在行銷的領域中,商品包裝常運用色感、質感、形態等設計屬性形成商品感性的形象,而此形象能否迎合消費者的喜好,實為商品銷售之重要關鍵。 本研究採文獻調查法、焦點小組法、集群分析與問卷調查法,共分兩階段進行,主要探討市售中秋月餅禮盒包裝之設計屬性應用,就其視覺面、結構面進行分析,並進一步探討不同背景屬性之消費者對中秋月餅禮盒包裝偏好之差異情形。 首先針對消費者購買行為研究發現,消費者以包裝美感為選購禮盒之第一考量,尤其以女性及年輕消費者更為重視,並認為精美的包裝可以增加其購買的慾望;且願意多花些錢購買較為精美之禮盒包裝;並根據《Cheer》雜誌於2005年之調查,指出現今之年輕消費者已趨向選購較精緻、材質較好、設計較具創意、獨特之商品 ,由此可見具美感創意與多樣化之禮品包裝已為現今消費者所偏好之購買趨向;而針對市售中秋月餅禮盒之設計屬性與消費者偏好之研究得知: (1)就視覺面研究發現,市售之中秋月餅禮盒包裝與消費者喜好相符合;消費者最喜好具簡潔美感、現代風格、紅橙色系之中秋禮盒包裝。 (2)就結構面研究發現,市售之中秋月餅禮盒包裝與消費者喜好相符合;整體消費者喜好具收藏價值,及較簡潔之四邊形、單層禮盒的盒形,尤其以51歲以上之年長消費者更為明顯。而在20~30歲間之年輕消費者對多邊或特殊盒形的接受度較年長之消費者為高,且認為增加層數可以增加其價值感。 (3)就其他因子方面,市售之中秋月餅禮盒包裝與消費者喜好相符合;消費者喜好多樣化組合、個包裝之禮盒表現。另外平均月收入在7.5萬以上之高收入消費者,則明顯不喜好5個以上之大集合包。 未來中秋禮盒包裝設計可加強圖像美感之運用以提升其價值感,朝向現代、創意新鮮感之表現、融入品牌意象之運用,並以適當之紙材、盒面紙、輔助材、印刷表現等增加禮盒包裝之趣味與新鮮感。在市場競爭激烈、物資充裕的今日,消費者之喜好亦呈向多元化,不論包裝之圖像表現、盒形設計、抑或內容物樣式組合,唯有不斷創新組合設計,才能滿足消費者之喜好,進而提升最高之整體利益。


Package design is an important tool for the marketing of commodities. With the improvement of the quality of our life, package becomes more and more important. The functions of package are no longer limited to the protection and sales promotion of commodities. It can be used for the promotion of human relationships as people are accustomed to giving gifts on festivities to extend their best wishes. In the field of marketing, the design properties, including the sense of color, texture, shape, are often used in package to present the sensible image of commodities. It is essential to the sale of the commodity whether its image can cater to the likings of consumers. The methods of document investigation, focus group, and cluster analysis and questionnaire investigation are adopted in this study. The study is carried out in two stages and mainly discusses the application of design properties in the Mid-autumn moon cake gift box in the market. It makes analysis of the visual and structural level of the gift box, and further discusses the different likings of Mid-autumn gift box package from different consumers with various backgrounds. Aiming at the purchasing conduct of the consumers, the study finds that consumers attach the greatest importance to the aesthetic feeling of the gift box, especially female and young consumers. They think a delicate and beautiful package may arouse their desire to buy the product, and they are willing to spend more money on beautiful gift box package. According to the investigation done by the “Cheer” magazine, young consumers tend to choose commodities which are more delicate, with better materials, with a more creative design and with uniqueness. It can be seen that gift package with aesthetic creativity and multiplicity has become the trend of consumer purchase preference. From the study on the relationship between consumer preference and design attribute for paper gift box of moon cake festival package, we can draw the following conclusions: (1)On the level of vision, the moon cake gift box package sold on the market is to the likings of consumers; the study finds that mid-autumn gift packages with a concise aesthetic feeling, a modern style and the color series of red and orange are consumers’ favorite. (2)On the level of structure, the moon cake gift box package sold on the market is to the likings of consumers; Consumers like concise quadrilateral and monolayer gift cases with collection value, especially the aged consumers above 51 years old. The percentage of young consumers between the ages of 20 to 30 accepting the polygon or irregular case shape is higher than the aged consumers, and it is considered that more layers of package can add to the sense of value. (3)As for other factors, the moon cake gift box package sold on the market is to the likings of consumers; consumers like a multiple combination and customized package of gift cases. Consumers with a high monthly income above 75, 000 TWD obviously do not like big package with more than 5 boxes. In the future, the image aesthetic sense shall be strengthened on the package design of Mid-autumn gift boxes, so as to promote its sense of value and its presentation of modernity and creativity. The brand image should also be applied, together with suitable paper materials, box cover paper, supplementary materials, and printing, so as to add to the interests and novelty of the gift case packages. In the modern society with fierce competition and abundant materials, the likings of consumers are also diversified. Only through creations on image presentation, box design, or combination of contents and modes, can we satisfy the requirements of consumers, so as to further improve the overall profits.




