  • 學位論文


The Fall Down Monitor System For Aged

指導教授 : 衛祖賞


由於現在醫療科技的發達與日新月異,我國國人的平均壽命不斷增長,而人口的年齡結構相對愈趨高齡化。依據國外的研究顯示:跌倒的現象是社區老人普遍存在的健康問題,不是有跌倒經驗的老人才會害怕跌倒。 台灣人口結構的改變,在1993年台灣已達到高齡化的標準,如果家中有老年人,就該特別注意居家環境的安全及預防老人跌倒,跌倒的人,會有20% 到 30% 的人遭受到嚴重的受傷,像是臀骨破碎或頭部受傷,這會造成跌倒的人行動力及獨立性減少,和突然死亡的機率也會增加。 眾多的流行病學研究也指出:老人因害怕跌倒所產生的自我活動限制、喪失活動力及獨立性,將會導致身體功能、心理社會狀況會衰退,使得生活品質低落。 本文提出一套簡易的系統,跌倒警示裝置,來得知居家老人跌倒,及跌倒後的通報,讓使用者可以在最短的時間,獲得救助,提高被發現的機率,使我們可以快速的給予協助與治療。 從本文的探討中,使我們延伸我們的觸角,了解更多的老年照護的問題,希望本文可以喚起大眾對老人獨居及安養問題能多一份關注。


高齡化 警示裝置 跌倒


Because of the highly development and rapid change of current medical technology, the average age of Taiwan people is increasing, and the age structure is elderly relatively. According to the international research, we can say that falling down is a problem about health for aged people. Taiwan population age structure has reached the standard of elderly in 1993. It’s necessary to care about the safety of residence environment and to prevent the old person from falling down. The aged people usually suffer from the accident falling down. This damage not only decrease the movement and independence but also cause sudden death. Researches for epidemiology also mention that the restrictions of self behavior, the loss of behavior ability and independence will result in the collapse of physiological function and psychological social condition, so that the quality of life will be low. In this research, a simple system, a warning facility of falling down, will be proposed to get rescue in the shortest time. In this article, our research area will be expanded, and we will get more understanding of eldercare. Again, we hope to arise more care about living alone and treatment for old people.


Fall Down Age Monitor


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