  • 學位論文


Practice of Mixed-Type Network for Implementation of Multi-Function Demand Control System

指導教授 : 王瑋民


本論文提出一混合型網路應用於多功能需量控制系統,利用微小型可程式控制器,透過RS-485通訊介面,接有瓦時計〔KWH〕、遠端I/O介面、預測需量顯示器、RF無線模組共同連結使用,可做需量預測及自動卸載。除現場端可結合人機介面做為數值顯示監控及參數設定之用,遠端控制亦可利用乙太網路介面,經動態資料交換連結(Dynamic Data Exchange,DDE),利用現有電腦作業平台(如微軟Excel)做需量管理、需量監控及需量曲線分析,使得操作介面更多元簡易並可達到最佳需量控制效果;此外,本文搭配內建比例、積分、微分(Proportional Integral Derivative,PID) 程序控制功能,探討其於卸載應用之可行性。 本論文所提架構能降低裝置成本,可提升中小企業裝設意願,同時對整體之用電需量估算有正面助益。


In this thesis, a multi-function demand control system with small-scale PLC and network technology is proposed. In this system, the RS-485 communication interface、Kilo-Watt meter、remote I/O interface、a demand monitor and RF wireless modules are combined together for the purpose of calculating the power demand and load shedding. The demand controller can be connected to a Human-Machine-Interface for the monitoring purpose. By using the Ethernet network and dynamic data exchange technology, the operation interface is easier for the users and saves the fee for the special monitor software. The Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control method provided by the PLC is employed for load shedding in the system. The system proposed can achieve the excellent effects of demand control and reduce the installation cost to attract more enterprise investors. The capacity of electrical power supplied can then be well-estimated for Taipower Company.


[9]王文博,柯明村,電力需量管理控制技術之開發與應用,電機技師,78 期,pp. 30-40,民國88 年12 月。
[16]泓格科技股份有限公司, www.icpdas.com.tw
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