  • 學位論文


Study on Multi-functional Recording System of Vehicle Navigation

指導教授 : 衛祖賞


汽車已成為代步必備的交通工具,而天天都有車禍的新聞,酒醉駕車、過度疲勞、不遵守交通秩序、路況不佳…等等,造成的交通事故。警方忙於現場的救援與交通指揮,丈量、尋找目擊者及詢問駕駛 事發當時的狀況。但如果駕駛因車禍而昏迷,又沒有目擊者,就無法迅速及正確研判車禍發生的原因。 本行車記錄系統包含四單元:,行車影像記錄、行車車況記錄、行車安全防護、資料讀取。行車影像記錄單元,記錄行車路徑影像,並將影像資料記錄於記憶體中。行車車況記錄單元,將行車衛星定位資料、撞擊力與撞擊方向、車速、車頭方向、方向燈號、排檔、油門、煞車等資料記錄於記憶體中。行車安全防護單元,偵測行車安全距離、緊急救援及防盜監控。資料讀取單元,經由電腦讀取介面分別將資料讀取並儲存於電腦中。 車輛肇事原因分析研判及責任之鑑定,端賴現場證物之完整性,本論文研究目標就是建立一套完整車禍事故鑑定系統,協助警方處理交通事故。


Car plays an important role in mass transportation. Whenever an accident happens as a result of car crash , drunken driving , careless driving , or traffic rule violation , the police has to guide the traffic , seek for emergency aid , and recover the accident scene by asking the drivers , finding eye-witness , and using traditional measure instruments . Where there are no eye-witnesses or the drivers pass out in the accident, it would be difficult for the police to judge the true cause of the accident. This system includes 4 major parts as following: the image record unit, the vehicle drive conditions unit, the vehicle safe protection unit, and the data reading unit. The reading image record unit drives a vehicle. The image of the route drives a vehicle in essential record, and writes down the image materials in the storing device. The vehicle drive conditions unit which writes down, GPS orient, impacts and bumping direction, speeding, locomotive direction, indicator number, gear, throttle, brake, etc. in the storing device. The vehicle safe protection drive unit detects safe distance, of a vehicle emergent rescue and guard against theft to control promptly in order to examine the detection mainly. The data reading unit stores a vehicle driving image and data of car driving condition, which also reads and stores the data separately via the computer interfaces. One should be responsible for an accident because he causes it. However, the true cause of an accident cannot be figured out without recovery of the accident scene. The aim of this research is to develop an automatic car accident judgment system for the police’s use.


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