  • 學位論文


Effects of the pure metal films and the machine behavior on the thermal contact resistance between the interfaces

指導教授 : 周煥銘 胡祥光


本研究針對銅試片表面經不同砂紙研磨後而得到之各種表面粗糙度、表面經不同機械加工法而得到之各種表面紋路型態(如同心圓紋路及平行線紋路)、以及銅試片表面電鍍不同膜厚之軟金屬純錫薄膜及硬金屬純鎳薄膜進行研究,且進一步分別探討垂直荷重及加熱溫度對接觸熱阻值之影響。 實驗結果顯示接觸熱阻值隨表面粗糙度之增加而增加。且隨垂直荷重之增加而成比例的些微下降。當加熱溫度越高時,其接觸熱阻值越小。同心圓紋路之接觸熱阻值較小於平行線紋路之接觸熱阻值。並且,軟金屬純錫薄膜之接觸熱阻值小於硬金屬純鎳薄膜之情況。而隨著金屬薄膜膜厚之增加,其接觸熱阻值有逐漸上升之趨勢。整體而言,上述所有實驗結果均表示出接觸熱阻值是因為微觀真接觸面積之大小而變化,這也可由本研究之SEM照片觀察而得到驗證。本論文之實驗數據及研究成果可提供相關產業日後設計及研發的參考依據。


The effects of the different parameters on the thermal contact resistance were investigated experimentally in this study. Such as the various surface roughness which was sequentially polished by various grade of emery papers, the different surface machining traces by the different workings (concentric circle and parallel line), and the different thickness of the pure soft Sn films and the pure hard Ni films. Moreover, normal loads and heating temperatures were also selected as the experimental parameters to investigate their effects on the thermal contact resistance. The experimental results showed that the thermal contact resistance increased with increasing the surface roughness. Moreover, the values of thermal contact resistance slightly decreased with increasing the normal load. The values of thermal contact resistance were smaller under the high heating temperatures. Furthermore, the values of thermal contact resistance for the concentric circle traces were smaller than that for the parallel line traces. The thermal contact resistance of the soft Sn films was smaller than the cases of the hard Ni films. The thermal contact resistance increased with increasing the film thickness. On the whole, all of the above results indicated that the thermal contact resistance was significantly influenced by the micro real contact areas. This conclusion can be easily clarified by the observations of the SEM photographs in this study. The results of this project were very helpful in design and research for the industry in the future.


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