  • 學位論文


Structural Design and Stress Analysis of Physical Fitness Facilities

指導教授 : 王文榮


健身器材是近二十年來的產業,尤其由目前世界各國近幾年經相興起的健身風,更可看出健身器材的重要性。近年來健康概念被提及與被探討之次數不斷增加,健康一詞由原本單純描述人類生理狀態之層次,逐漸提升成為一種生活態度的表徵,在健康意識抬頭、經濟水平提升、再加上人均壽命不斷延長等多項因素下,健康產業漸受矚目,也順勢帶起了相關儀器設備之市場發展。 健身器材使用者最主要的動機為減肥與鍛練肌肉,目前有愈來愈多的使用者是基於時代的脈動,健身儼然成為許多都市人追求高生活品質的一個象徵,而開始在忙碌的朝九晚五以外的空閒時間養成運動習慣的目的,當然健身器材其應用方面發展並不只於此,因人們的需求引發科技的日新月異,安全的考量儼然成為健身器材最重要的一環,本研究將提出ㄧ套理論來設計及分析健身器材,規劃出實驗進一步驗證設計及分析的可行性,可有效提供設計者作為參考規範。


The Physical Fitness Facilities is the industries in recent 20 years. The importance of physical fitness facilities can be especially found in the rising climate of exercise all over the world. Recently, the time of discussion and mention on health concept is increasing and increasing. The meaning of the word “HEALTH” is changed from pure description of the level of human physiology condition to the symbol of life attributes. The health industry gradually receives focuses attention on the upswing of health consciousness, economical level promotion, the elder average life, and etc. The main motives for physical fitness facilities users are losing weight and training muscle, more and more users do it with time pulsation. “Body-building” becomes a symbol that many metropolitan court high quality life, they make exercise to be a cherry-picking when they have free time. Of course, the application of physical fitness facilities has multi-development. Advance of technology due to people’s demand, and “safe consideration” becomes the most important thing. This research will offer a theory that can be used not only on design and analysis, but also on the practicability of products. It can be a reference to designer efficiently.


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