  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing Consumer Intentions to Use Online Photofinishing: A Perspective of Extended Technology Acceptance Model

指導教授 : 施佳玫


隨著時代的變遷、人們生活型態的改變,網際網路已廣泛地運用於生活之中。線上沖印是一項實體結合虛擬的創新服務,線上沖印是透過網際網路,將數位檔案傳送至沖印網站平台上,選擇欲沖洗的照片檔案、尺寸大小、數量、取件方式後,利用ATM轉帳或是線上信用卡轉帳付款,就可以到自己所指定的特約店面取件;消費者也可以選擇郵寄或宅配的方式,讓照片或商品直接寄送到指定地點。   本研究以科技接受模式(TAM)為重心,另將知覺愉悅性概念納入TAM的信念構面中,以三個知覺信念變數(知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺愉悅性)來分析消費者使用線上沖印的行為意圖,其次加入知覺風險、線上沖印網站服務特性、消費者特性(人口統計變項、個人創新性、電腦自我效能)等外部變項對其知覺信念變數的影響。本研究共發放470份問卷,以上班族、學生(高中生、大學生及以上)為驗證對象,以瞭解消費者對線上沖印服務的使用意圖。   路徑分析結果顯示,(1)知覺信念(易用性、愉悅性)顯著正向影響使用意圖;(2)線上沖印服務特性-便利及時性顯著正向影響知覺有用性;(3)個人創新性顯著正向影響線上沖印知覺有用性、知覺愉悅性;(4)電腦自我效能顯著正向影響線上沖印知覺易用性、知覺愉悅性。最後,研究者依據實證結果提出建議,以供線上沖印網站業者參考,並提出後續研究建議。


To accompany with times change, the change of people's living type attitude. The internet network has been already widely applied to life. It is that an entity combines the fictitious creative service to Online Photofinishing. The Online Photofinishing is through internet network, you can choosing the digital file, size, quantity, utilize ATM to transfer accounts or the on-line credit card transfer accounts and pay the bill. This study, based the theory of technology acceptance model(TAM) and combined perceived enjoyment into belief construct of TAM, uses three variables of perceived belief (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment) to predict possible influence on latent consumer’s purchase intention to use the Online Photofinishing. Secondly, it also explores the effect of individual differences on perceived beliefs, Four hundreds and seventy employee, students were sampled as subjects. The findings of path analysis show that (1) Perceived faith (PEOU、PE) all apparent to influence consumers to use the intention, (2) Online Photofinishing service of Convenient have significantly positive affect perceived usefulness, (3) Personal innovativeness have significantly positive affect on perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment, (4) The computer self-efficiency have significantly positive affect on perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment. Finally, managerial implications for service of Online Photofinishing and recommendations for future research are presented.


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