  • 學位論文


A Study of the Key Success Factors for the NetbookPC – The Cases of Asus, Acer and MSI

指導教授 : 李麗說
共同指導教授 : 姜傳益(Chwan-Yi Chiang)


2007年華碩推出第一款面向一般消費者市場的輕型筆電─EeePC,在近兩年金融海嘯的影響下,這台可以滿足一般需求且價格低廉的新產品,隨即在全球引爆搶購熱潮。各大筆電腦廠商也紛紛開發類似產品,以搶進這個新興市場,因此輕型筆電之市場競爭也愈來愈激烈。而因小筆電屬於新型產品,故有關小筆電之關鍵成功因素目前少有文獻研究,因此探討小筆電產品的關鍵成功因素之層級架構是本研究之主要目的。經文獻探討及訪談14位專家,彙整出本研究的三大構面,8個衡量因素及27個衡量項目,以此作為AHP層級架構,探討各項因素指標的重要程度及優先次序。 本研究之結果發現,小筆電之關鍵成功因素主要層級因素的排名依序為「規格設計」、「產品」及「銷售方法」,其中「規格設計」與「產品品質」這兩個重要因素之權重值相差無幾,顯示廠商未來在設計產品時需要兩者並重,才能抓住消費者的心。在次要層級為「可靠性」、「內部配備」、「方便性」、「促銷推廣」、「通路」、「廣告與報導」、「品質價格比」和「外觀設計」較為重要。第三層則以「電池續航力」、「大容量硬碟」、「產品品質比競爭者好」、「新聞媒體」和「與3.5G網卡做搭配促銷」等因素較為重要。 另外,本研究為了瞭解三家個案公司在小筆電關鍵成功因素上的實際表現,另外發放問卷,結果顯示宏碁表現最佳、華碩次之,微星則在大部分的關鍵因素上表現不佳。


In 2007, the first Netbook PC is approaching the market by Asus as a new product with fairly low price to fit the need of customers. Although by the influence of financial crisis in these two years, the product has been welcome by the worldwide market significantly. Different competitors have also entered into market with similar products, which result in server competition. However, the key success factors (KSF) of Eeepc have rarely been discussed in the literature. This study intends to fit this research gap to identify a hierarchical framework for the KSF of Eeepc. Through a series of literature review and 14 indepth interviews, this study concludes three major dimensions, eight key factors, and 27 items for the success of Eeepc operations. A hierarchical KSF framework has been identified through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the relative importance of each factors are also identified. The study results conclude that product design, product quality, and marketing methods are three major dimensions of the hierarchical framework for the KSF of Netbook PC. For the dimensions of product design, convenience, appearance and interior equipment are three of the most important factors. For the dimension of product quality, reliability and quality/price ratio are two of the most important factors. For the dimension of marketing methods advertising, channel and promotion are three of the most important factors. Among others, long battery life, promotion with 3.5G dongle, collaboration with the media, better quality than the competitor, bigger hard disk drive, and fashion of design and free gifts with the product selling are some of the most important items for the KSF of Netbook PC operations. To compare the current performance of the KSF among Asus, Acer, and MSI using the established KSF framework, the survey results indicate that Acer performs better than Asus, and MSI stays in the last place with most of the KSF items.


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