  • 學位論文


Effect of Exercise with Different Intensity on Oxygen Saturation and Autonomic Nervous Systems at Rest and Exercise

指導教授 : 曾清標 衛祖賞


現代人常因為事業忙碌和學校的課業繁重而很少在做運動,學生雖然有體育課,但目前台灣課業壓力重,運動的時間也大都在上體育課,而做運動又不能過於激烈,以免造成身體的不適而猝死,但往往一不注意而進行自己身體所無法承受的激烈運動而造成遺憾,而且就連運動員也常有發生猝死的情況。由歷年來的資料顯示,儘管運動猝死與其他運動性疾病如骨折,肌肉、韌帶損傷等相比,發生率並不高,但由於運動猝死大都發生在年輕而又身體健康的人群?堙A故給人們的印象較深,震撼較大。從國際奧會醫療委員會在2004年12月10日於洛桑所舉辦的有關預防因心血管疾病--運動猝死會議的有關文件中得知,由Erik J. Meijboom 教授領導的專家小組指出,超過百分之九十的運動員非創傷猝死與已存在的心臟病變有關。[1] 本研究將建立一套自製血氧濃度計,配合心律大師來量測在不同的運動前、後血氧濃度、心跳率、心率變異度、HF%和LF%等生理數據,並記錄這些數據,功率頻譜中「HF/TP×100」所求出之HF%視為評估副交感神經活動的指標;而以「LF/TP×100」所求出之LF%視為評估交感神經活動的指標。本實驗進行三種不同的運動強度(快走、跑步、爬樓梯)來進行實驗,藉以瞭解不同運動強度對心臟自主神經和血氧濃度的影響,並記錄這三種運動強度的生理數據做比較和初步探討。


Modern people lack of exercise because of either heavy business or hard study. Though in exercising, it must not being too vigorous to hurt body, even more to cause sudden death. Unfortunately, many people don't notice their healthy condition while on the vigorous exercise, and regrets happen over they can bear. Even the famous athlete also has the condition of occurrence abrupt death. Demonstrated material over the years, although the movement sudden death with other mobile disease like bone fracture, the muscle, the ligament damage and so on compares, the formation rate is not high, but because the movement sudden death occurs mostly in young and in the health crowd, therefore is deep for people's impression, shocks in a big way. Knowing from the IOC medical treatment committee, in Lausanne Switzerland on December 10, 2004, relevant the prevention because of the cardiovascular disease- exercise to die abruptly the relevant document of the meeting is taught expert's group of leadership by Erik J. Meijboom to point out, more than 90% of the athletes non- wound abrupt death has something to do with having already existed of heart pathological changes. This research will build up a set of self-made blood oxygen density to account and match with ANSWatch to measurement in different exercise in front and back blood oxygen density, heartbeat rate, HRV and HF% and LF% etc. physiology data, and record these data, in the power frequency chart the HF begged by "HF/TP × 100"%see as the index sign that evaluates a parasympathetic nerve activity. And with the LF begged by "LF/TP × 100"%see as index sign of evaluating the sympathetic nerves activity. This experiment carries on three kinds of different exercise strengths(walk, run, climb fast stairs) to start experiment, by with understand dissimilarity exercise strength's influence for the heart independent nerve and the blood oxygen density, and the record, these three kinds of physiology data of exercise strengths, does comparison and initial study.


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