  • 學位論文


Influence of Exercise with Different Pattern and Intensity on Oxygen Saturation and Autonomic Nervous System in Senior High School Students at Rest and Exercise

指導教授 : 曾清標


生活中過勞死的科技新貴或醫生,因超時工作發生疑似過勞死亡案例於社會新聞中時有所見。超時工作已成為職場工作環境中,潛在的危險因素。除了超時工作外,伴隨著另一種危機是飲食逐漸西化,速食主義流行。「速食」就是強調快速,因現代人忙碌生活中,常常沒時間,好好的靜下來用一頓餐。因此,人們更縮短了用餐時間。飲食的西化及職場生活工作量的增加,導致現代人文明病增加。工作量的增加也導致運動時間的減少。運動的好處可以減少心臟病或中風的機率,同時,可以降低膽固醇,降低高血壓,預防糖尿病,保持體重。更能幫助心情穩定,減少壓力。 現今高中職學生面對升學壓力下,除了升學中所給壓力外,來自父母的期待,同儕間的互相競爭,都會造成高中職學生心理壓力的升高。高中職階段雖有體育課程讓學生適度運動。但學生在現今社會中,因壓力過大,常無法找到適當的發洩點。網路便成為了學生最好的休閒工具。舉凡網路遊戲、交友等相關娛樂,皆讓目前還在成長中的學生迷失了自我。因為造成經常性晚睡,甚至熬夜沈迷於網路世界。 運動能增強心臟功能,促進血液循環,更能幫助控制高血壓,糖尿病,等文明病的影響,但若運動過度,無法控制,反而會造成運動員在劇烈運動中因劇烈運動造成「運動猝死」。 高中職學生在學校上課的環境中,有來自升學方面的壓力,有來自社會的誘惑,飲食習慣的西化,讓學生養成了經常性晚睡,運動量不足,營養失調之情況。唯因學生正值青少年期。身體強健,稍有病痛仍不自覺,若因經常性晚睡導致身體不佳,而在體育育課程仍作出超乎自己體能所能負荷情形。便容易產生運動猝死現象,而研究者本身所任教學校,游泳課程更是每一位學生所必需學習之課程 。若學生因作出超乎自己體能無法承受之能力,便容易於游泳課程中發生相關意外。 本研究探討高職學生常因為學校的課業繁重或沈迷於網路世界,因為造成經常性晚睡,對其身體的影響。本實驗進行體育班學生與一般學生作五種不同的運動強度(伏地挺身、仰臥起坐、快走、跑步、爬樓梯)實驗,藉以瞭解不同運動強度對心臟自主神經和血氧濃度的影響,並記錄這五種運動強度的生理數據做比較和初步探討。觀察體育班學生長期熬夜與正常作息之差異與一般學生長期熬夜與正常作息之差異,其中包含HF%、LF%和LF/HF。


血氧濃度 心跳率 HRV HF% LF% 運動強度 心臟自主神經


Some senior technicians or doctors died from overwork. We have seen suspected death cases due to overtime work in social news from time to time. Overtime work has become a potential hazard factor in professional work environment. Except for overtime, there is another crisis, that is westernized food and drink, fast food doctrine is very popular. “Fast food” emphasizes quick speed. As modern people are very busy, they often don’t have enough time to have a good meal. Therefore, people shorten their mealtime. The westernized food & drink and the increase of work amount lead to the increase of modern people’s civil diseases. The increase of work amount also leads to the decrease of sports time. Sports have the advantage of reducing the probability of heart disease or apoplexy, meanwhile, can reduce cholesterol and hypertension, prevent diabetes, and keep weight, furthermore, sports are helpful to stabilize emotion and reduce pressure. At present, general and vocational high school students face strong pressure of entering colleges and universities, except for this pressure, they have to face parents’ expectation and the inter-competition of other students, all of these would cause the increase of mental pressure of general and vocational high school students. Although there are sports courses provided for students for suitable sport in the stage of general and vocational high school, students are facing too heavy pressure in current society, they often could not find suitable releasing outlets, therefore, internet becomes their best relaxation tool. At present, students who are in the process of growing up are lost in all online games, making friends, and other relevant entertainment, as a result, they often sleep late, some of them even stay up all night to play on-line games. Sports can enhance cardiac function, promote blood circulation, and help to control the influence of hypertension, diabetes, and other civil diseases, however, excessive and uncontrolled sports also cause athletes to die due to strenuous exercise. In school environment, general and vocational high school students are facing the following problems: the pressure from entering colleges or universities, the seduction from sociality, and westernization of food and drink, which make they appear the conditions of frequent late sleep, insufficient exercise amount, and imbalance of nutrition. As students are in adolescence state, they are strong and healthy, so they are not aware of small diseases. If they often go to bed late, they may be in the condition of poor health, when they are doing some exercise that exceeds the burden of their physical ability in sports courses, exercise-related sudden death would happen. The researcher works as a teacher in a school, swimming course is a compulsory course for every student. If students did some exercise that exceeds their physical ability, they would be easy to happen relevant accidents, that is really too bad for them. The study discusses the phenomenon that the health of general and vocational high school students is affected due to too heavy school work and the habit of staying up late and playing on-line games. In the test, sports class and general class students carried out five kinds of different exercise intensity movements (push-up, sit-up, quick walk, run, and climbing stairs) , which is used to know the influence of different exercise intensity on heart autonomic nerves, and blood-oxygen concentration; the physical data of these five kinds of different exercise intensity movements was recorded and made comparison and initial research; observed the sports class students’ difference between long-term staying up all night and normal study and rest, as well as normal students’ difference between long-term staying up all night and normal study and rest, in which HF%, LF%, and LF/HF are included.


SaO2 Heart Rate HRV HF% LF% Autonomic Nervous System


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