  • 學位論文


The Study of Residential Preference and Demand of Home Services for the elderly─For the Example of Taipei Area

指導教授 : 陳淑美


臺灣進入高齡化社會已有十餘年,但對高齡者居住問題相關措施之政策相對於先進國家明顯大幅落後,近年來民間企業已注意到銀髮市場的商機,過去從太平洋建設的奇岩居、潤泰建設的潤福淡水生活新象與大台北華城,到最近的長庚養生村,未來許多國內企業也將陸續進入這塊市場。本研究將針對50歲以上的潛在消費者以問卷調查的方式做分析,探討高齡者對未來的居住偏好與差異,以及對在宅服務的需求評估,進而瞭解不同的高齡者是否有較喜好的居住偏好與在宅服務。 本研究證實不同群別的高齡者者對於未來退休居住需求方面之選擇,會基於個別群體的人口統計變數與居住現況差異,而做出不同的居住選擇,雖然在居住現況選項中僅子女聯絡狀況有顯著差異,顯示依據生活型態變數所區隔之群體,與受訪者的居住現況之間並無明顯的差異存在,藉由本研究分析可證明高齡者生活重心的不同也反應在與子女之間的互動情況,因此在探討親子關係對高齡者居住安排有何影響時,應先瞭解受訪者對親子關係需求程度之認定。本研究發現因受訪者皆為健康狀況良好的高齡者,日常生活多數尚可自理,因此對付費在宅服務之需求並不強烈,僅有清潔服務與康樂活動需求較為明顯,可推論受訪者並未將該項服務列入其原本日常必要支出,而是額外的消費選擇,視其經濟能力與需求強度為考量依據。針對本研究抽樣調查分析與內政部調查做比較分析發現,可證實教育程度與所得會影響居住選擇偏好。


Taiwan has entered into an era of “Aging Society” for more than a decade, but has not implemented adequate policies to take care the housing needs for the elderly as other developed nations. In recent years, private investors have noticed the seniors market opportunity and developed various assisted-living housing projects for the elderly, e.g. Run-Fu Tamshui New Life,and Greater Taipei China City by Rentex Group, and recently completed Chang Gung Health and Culture Village;many international and domestic enterprises will gradually engaged in this market. The objective of this research is to study the housing preference and in-house service needs for the elderly from the viewpoint of the elderly as consumers. The study will target potential consumers with age of 50 years or above living in Taiwan using questionnaires to collect data for comparing the difference of house preferences. The results confirm that the elderly will based on the demographic statistics of individual groups and current living conditions to make different housing choices. Among the many items included in the questionnaire on the current living conditions, only the “method of contacting children” shows different results; The groups categorized based on current living conditions do not have much difference in their other current conditions. Thus, the results prove that the difference between the emphases of living by the elderly is reflected in the mutual interaction between the elderly and their children. Hence, when investigating the influence of the parent-children relationship on the living arrangement, one must understand how the person interviewed emphasize and confirm the need of parent-children relation. All people interviewed have good health and can take care of themselves for daily living chores. Thus, they do not have strong desire to pay for in-house services; their need for house cleaning and recreational activities are more obvious. However, the elderly people interviewed have not included the costs for these services in their basic daily expenses, and they consider the costs as extra expenses depending on their financial ability and how strong they need the services.


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