  • 學位論文


The research of “Chun Qiu” written method of Chen Shou's “three kingdoms.Wei Shu”

指導教授 : 張高評


本論文題目為「陳壽《三國志.魏書》之《春秋》書法研究」,以《春秋》書法作為研究視角以探析陳壽編著的《魏書》。本文將《春秋》書法分為「如何書」與「何以書」兩方面作為研究主軸。「如何書」以錢鍾書所謂:「《春秋》之『書法』,實即文章之修詞」的文章修辭技法為研究觀點,探究陳壽「如何」撰寫制作《魏書》,以寓一代人物事件之褒貶進退。此別於傳統以書例、體例為《春秋》書法之內容。「何以書」則就前人對於陳壽諸傳之合傳意旨的疑難出發,藉傳中人物行事,思辨陳壽人物合傳之內在脈絡之精神,以此逆推陳壽之思想內容,而知陳壽「何以」褒貶進退一代人物事件,其價值標準為何,於此而明陳壽微言大義。此別於前人以陳壽傳末「評曰」作為論證其思想的材料。   研究發現陳壽在《魏書》中,有以「屬辭比事」、「于序事中寓論斷」以及「曲筆側書」此三種方式編著《魏書》,「屬辭比事」中分為「連類」、「反射」與「互見」三種表現手法。「于序事中寓論斷」依表現方式不同,分為「藉事論斷」、「藉言論斷」、「藉書疏論斷」三種。「曲筆側書」中,有「婉而成章」及「正言若反」二種表現方法。以上諸端手法,皆為陳壽在避免觸犯忌諱的情況下,藉由《春秋》書法的表達技巧,避禍遠害,保存事實真相,同時對於人物事件進退褒貶,表達微言大義。   對於陳壽「何以書」《三國志》的問題,則由陳壽於人物合傳命意入手,於前人質難陳壽合傳問題,詮釋理解陳壽的一貫脈絡精神,進而窺見其「何以書」的思想。研究發現陳壽有「仁義」、「尊王」、「志節」三端,以此作為評價標準,而褒貶進退人物事件。此三者可概括而為「充王佐之志,立仁義之節」一句,總歸於漢末的「事君」問題,「仁義」為事君之道德原則,「尊王」為事君之態度立場,「志節」為事君之政權認同。總此,陳壽之「何以書」之微言大義皎然而明。


陳壽 三國志 魏書 春秋書法


This study named “the research of ‘Chun Qiu’ written modus of Chen Shou's ‘three kingdoms‧Wei Shu’”, using “Chun Qiu” written modus as research point to analyze “Three kingdoms‧Wei Shu” written by Chen Shou. We divided “Chun Qiu” written modus into two part: “how to write” and ”why to write”. “How to write” is the rhetoric of articles promoted by Chian Jung Shu saying : ”In fact, the written modus of ‘Chun Qiu’ is the rhetoric of articles.” We would use it to find out that how can Chen Shou’s metaphor about describing characters in “Wei Shu”. This method differs from tradition, which is focusing on example and type. “Why to write” is integrating the previous’ questions about merging biography by Chen Shou, and discriminating the internal spirit from merging biography, to discover Chen Shou’s ideology. Knowing that why Chen Shou appraises characters and its standard, we can understand Chen Shou’s simple words contain important meaning. This method differs from tradition, which always uses ”commentary” in the end of biography written by Chen Shou as an important materials to examine his ideology. We find out that Chen Shou used three methods “relate events to narrate”, ”comment in sequence”, and ”gentle words” to write “Wei Shu”. “Relate events to narrate” also can divide into three parts: “analogy”, ”contrast”, and ”complement”. ”Comment in sequence” also can divide into three parts: “by events”, ”by speeches”, and ”by remonstrances”. ”Gentle words” also can divide into two parts: “euphemism” and ”irony”. Chen Shou used those methods to express “Chun Qiu” written modus, convey the truth history and keep himself safe. The questions about why Chen Shou wrote “three kingdoms”, can be sloved by discussing merging biography. We can analyze the previous’ questions, understand Chen Shou’s spirit, and discover the ideology of “why to write”. Chen Shou has three main spirits: “ethics”, ”respect emperor”, and ”righteousness”, and he used those things as a comment standard to describe characters and events. We can generalize the three points as “assist emperor and do moral”. In the end of Han Dynasty, the questions about “assist emperor” is the principle: “ethics”, the attitude: “respect emperor” and the identity: “righteousness”. Considering, we all know that why Chen Shou write.


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