  • 學位論文


A Study on Real Estate Cycle and Government Policy of Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊澤泉


如何藉由提振不動產景氣以加速消化空屋,是目前營建業與金融業的重要工作,本文旨在探討(1)不動產業是否為火車頭產業,亦即政府能否藉由刺激不動產業的成長來帶動國家整體經濟發展。(2)不動產景氣與總體經濟景氣的相互關係。(3)政府政策對台灣不動產景氣的影響。本文以買賣契稅件數為不動產景氣判斷指標,利用迴歸分析與因果關係檢定(Granger causality)來測定不動產景氣與總體經濟變數間的相互關係,並藉由虛擬變數檢視政策的影響。本文主要發現有:(1)不動產景氣並無領先國民所得現象,不動產業並非傳統上所認為的「火車頭產業」,可以帶動總體經濟產業的發展;(2)股票市場的交易熱絡、基本放款的降低與實質國民儲蓄的提高等,均有顯著領先不動產景氣,且具有顯著的因果關係;(3)政府政策的容積率實施不當,造成建商搶建搶照,是導致目前大量空屋的主要原因。因此建議建構正確且完整的不動產資訊提供予生產者與消費者,以降低交易成本並迅速的消化空屋。


It becomes an important task for real estate business and financial institutes on how to increase create the demand of real estate in order to reduce the oversupply. This work is to study (1) Whether the real estate is the leading industry., i.e. whether the government is able to increase GDP by boosting real estate business; (2) The relation between the real estate cycle and the macroeconomics (3) The influence of government policy to real estate cycle. In this work, the index of the value of real estate is based deeds. We find: (1) The prosperity of real estate does not imply the successive GDP growth; (2) The strong stock market, the decrease of prime rate and the increase of consumers' savings rate all significantly imply the following real estate prosperity, and the cause effect relationship is existed. (3) Time lag implementation of government policy on floor area ratio code may cause the oversupply of real estate and probably, the main reason of huge uninhabited house in Taiwan. It is suggested that an accurate and complete real estate information should be provided to consumer and constructor to reduce uninhabited houses.


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