  • 學位論文

Django 網際框架在平面四連桿尺寸合成系統上的應用

Application of the Django Web-based Framework on the Dimensional Synthesis of Planar Four-bar Linkages

指導教授 : 嚴家銘


本研究旨在利用 Django 網際框架建立一套平面四連桿機構之尺寸合成 (Dimen- sional Synthesis) 系統,其中包含符號方程式推導、平面機構設計、數值演算、以及 專案管理等模組,使用者可直接在瀏覽器中進行各模組的操作,包括平面四連桿機 構之目標路徑規劃、運動方程式推導,以及選擇實數基因演算法、差分演化法或螢 火蟲演算法進行尺寸合成運算,系統完成最佳化演算後,將以電子郵件通知並展示 運算結果與機構動態模擬。本研究最後利用數個案例展示系統操作流程並驗證其可 行性。


This study aims to establish a dimensional synthesis system for planar four-bar link- ages by using the Django web-based framework. The system contains the symbolic equation derivation, planar linkage design , numerical calculation, and project management modules. Users can directly use web browser to operate each module which will perform the path plan- ning of the planar four-bar linkage, the kinematic equations derivation and select synthesis algorithms from the real-coded genetic, differential evolution, or the firefly algorithms. Once the system completes the synthesis calculation, an e-mail notification will send to provide links for reviewing the results and linkage simulation. Finally, this study shows the number of cases to demo the system operation procedures and verify its feasibility.


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