  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Biological Samples using Optical Coherence Tomography

指導教授 : 鄭旭志


本論文使用光學同調斷層掃描技術(Optical Coherence Tomography,OCT),此技術是使用低同調干涉(Low Coherence Interferometry,LCI)的技術使用麥克森干涉儀當作基礎架構,常應用於工業量測以及生物醫學方面的顯影成像。 光學同調斷層掃描(OCT) 是一種高分辨率、非接觸、非破壞性的生物醫學成像新方法。通過高分辨率,探測樣品不同深度層面背向反射回來的光強度,可以得到樣品的深度資訊。OCT主要分成時域OCT(Time-Domain OCT)與頻域OCT(Frequency-Domain OCT),主要差別在於TDOCT必須要手動或是使用電腦控制移動平台來改變光程差讓樣品端跟參考端光程差等於零,而FDOCT不需要去做連續性的移動,只要將由光譜儀所接收的數據經由電腦程式MATLAB做傅立葉轉換(Fourier Ttransform)就可以達到我們想要的樣品資料。 本論文使用了時域式OCT之光纖式系統架構,在樣本端加入顯微鏡,針對不同生物樣本進行量測,利用低同調光源經過樣本所產生的光時差來推測已知厚度之生物樣本折射率,其優點包括高深度斷層掃描解析能力與穿透能力。


This paper mainly explores the application and improvement of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), with Low Coherence Interferometry (LCI) as major technique and Michelson interferometer as basic experimental framework. OCT is widely applied to industrial measurement and biomedicine for development imaging. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical biomedical tissue-imaging technique with a high-resolution, non-contact, and non-destructive optical sensing technology. OCT uses back-reflected infrared light from different layers in depth through high-resolution to obtain the depth of the sample, divided into two scanning modes of time domain OCT (TDOCT) and frequency domain OCT (FDOCT). This paper uses a TDOCT for architecture , the sample side was added a microscope to measure the thickness of different biological samples , its advantages include High depth analysis and penetrability.


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