  • 學位論文


The Study of Using Chinese Concepts of Five Elements and Eight Characters in Analyzing Personality

指導教授 : 黃信豪


近年來,在景氣循環變化快速及產業高競爭的環境中,企業都會積極思考調整策略和發展方向,所以要使企業整體之服務更具競爭優勢,因此人才成為21世紀企業致勝的關鍵。目前各家在徵企業選人員時,最注重的還是人員所具備的人格特質。人格特質等相關議題在企業界人力規劃時常被廣泛地運用,然而其範圍大都侷限在本身的性格及特質方面。本研究鑑於人格特質對企業人力資源規劃之影響甚大,試圖結合東方的管理哲學與西方的管理哲學,因此引用中國約4700年歷史的易經八字學來進行研究,希望能找出更符合台灣企業在甄選人格類別上之參考依據。對於八字學的科學性驗證,此議題較少有相關文獻研究,因此更加值得深入分析探討。然而,如果能以嚴謹的研究設計來提供科學的證據,則八字學有機會提供一個新的研究管道,增進我們對於個人先天特質的了解。本研究目的在於驗證八字學對於個人人格特質的預測能力,採用西方五大人格特質與中國固有傳統歷史的八字學做相關性比較。 本研究方法採用問卷調查法(questionnaire),因研究生於假日時會在彰化地區各八字學研究駐點進行陌生開發,與測試者分析完八字命盤後,並詢問測試者是否有意願協助研究生進行人格特質之研究,若有意願才發放問卷給測試者作填寫。問卷共計發出30份,回收30份,皆為有效問卷,並進一步統計分析。研究的方式及目的是以問卷方式及八字學專家驗證問卷,以瞭解個人之人格特質與正五行八字學之間的相關性。研究生在排完八字命盤後,依命盤中出生年月日所顯示關於個人人格特質部份,進行五大人格評量表的填寫,最後再針對研究生與受測者所填答之問卷結果進行差異檢定,以評估八字學預測分析之準確度。另外研究生邀請兩位在八字學領域已有多年經驗的專家做同樣預測分析。 從本研究結果發現,「正五行八字學」對人格特質的預測有很高解釋量,對未來人格特質預測能力有其重要參考價值。對企業界在人格類別及甄選人才方面將具有深遠的影響。


Traditionally human resource has been a sub-function of administration department. In recent years, due to the increasing competition in the global market, more and more companies have recognized the important of human resource. Most of the companies utilize personality assessment of an individual during personnel selection in order to determine if that individual should be employed. The most widely used personality assessment instruments are developed by western researchers. There are few applications of many thousand years old Chinese concepts of Five Elements (Wu-Xing) and Eight Characters (Bazi) in organization’s human resource management. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of applying Wu-Xing and Bazi in personality assessment. The personality questionnaire used in this study is the NEO-PI Form S developed by Costa & McCrae( 1985). First, thirty research subjects are requested to provide their lunar birthday and answer all the questionnaire items. Second, two Chinese Wu-Xing and Bazi experts are invited to predict each research subject’s personality using Wu-Xing and Bazi. Finally, questionnaire results and experts’ predictions are compared to determine the difference between these two methods. The result of this study shows that there is a highly consistency between these two methods. Thus, Wu-Xing and Bazi can be a helpful tool for personality assessment.


33.Allport, G. W. (1937). Personality: A Psychological Interpretation, H. Holt and Company, New York.
