  • 學位論文


A Guided Learning Strategy for English Vocabulary Based on Making Sentences On-line

指導教授 : 藍友烽


本研究的目的是為了要探索以線上造句為基礎之引導式英語字彙學習策略的效益,並透過問卷及訪談來了解學生對它的反應。本研究採用的方法係以來自雲林縣某國中的兩個程度相當的班級來進行前後測準實驗研究。兩個七年級的班級分別被指派到實驗組及控制組。實驗組的學生接受引導式英語字彙學習策略教學,而控制組則施以傳統教學。實驗為期六週十八次課程。研究資料來自英文能力前測、字彙成就後測、回饋問卷以及訪談。 實驗結果如下: 1.引導式英語字彙學習策略使學生在字彙學習方面學得更好,成績也有所進步。 2.實驗組學生對於引導式英語字彙學習策略表現出正面的回饋。在實驗過程中,學生愉快且積極的學習。 3.引導式英語字彙學習策略加強了實驗組學生的學習動機。大部分的學生指出他對在實驗課程之後對英文學習產生更濃厚的興趣。


The purpose of the study was to explore the effect of a guided learning strategy for English vocabulary based on making sentences on-line and the students’ response toward it through questionnaire and interviews. The method adopted in this research was Pretest-posttest and quasi-experimental design with two equivalent classes, which selected from a junior high school in Yunlin County. Two 7th grade classes were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received a guided learning strategy for English vocabulary for 18 times over 6 weeks, while the control group received traditional instruction. Data for this study were collected through an English vocabulary proficiency pre-test, an English vocabulary achievement posttest, a questionnaire toward making sentences on-line and unstructured interviews. The results of this study are as follows: 1. With the guided learning strategy, the students of experimental group made progress in their English vocabulary learning. They learned vocabulary better and got better grades in English as well. 2. The students of experimental group gave positive responses to the guided learning strategy conducted in this study. Through the integration of the knowledge, the information and activities in the guided learning on Word Power stimulated the students to learn English joyfully and actively. 3. The guided learning strategy helped the students of experimental group enhance their motivation to learn English. Many of the students indicated that they had more interest in learning English at the end of the study.


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