  • 學位論文


Influence of Educational Traning on Performance for Life Insurance Salespeople

指導教授 : 紀麗秋 鄧誠中
共同指導教授 : 柯美珠 廖東亮


摘要 壽險業務人員是保險公司業務收入來源,是經營上很重要主體,加強壽險業務人員的教育訓練是保險公司重要的課題,所以壽險業務人員教育訓練優劣,關係著保險公司的企業形象及工作績效表現。 本研究探討壽險教育訓練與工作績效之關聯性,期透過探究教育訓練的課程在市場實務經驗,是否可提升業務工作績效,本研究問卷對象係針對嘉雲南地區在職壽險業務員進行調查,並運用統計軟體SPSS進行敘述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析之實證研析。 根據資料分析之結果,獲得以下具體的結論: 1. 受訪者以已婚女性居多;樣本年齡以介於36~45歲之青壯年份子居多,以擁有高中(職) (含)以下之教育程度為主;任職年資則以新進任職3年(含)以下占多數,因此具有挑戰無限之潛能;職級則係以壽險顧問(SR)占多數;針對首年度保費收入(FYP,First Year Premium)以及首年度執行收入 (FYC,First Year Commission ),以以61萬~100萬以及25萬~72萬占最多。 2. 教育訓練之重要性認知依序為「我才了解保單條款內容和專業知識透過教育訓練」、「我才了解壽險之相關知識意義與功能」、「我了解業務制度、組織發展與職能之間的關係」、「我才了解從事壽險業應具有熱忱」。 3. 影響工作績效之關鍵因素依序為「我認為培養客情、建立口碑,才能提高工作績效」、「我認為熟知公司產品如何應用於保戶保險缺口需求」、「我認為在銷售產品可以為客戶爭取較高獲利」。 4. 壽險業務人員年齡之不同對工作績效教育訓練有顯著地差異。 5. 針對教育訓練成效方面而言,以「心靈教育潛能」因素之「我認為教育訓練過程做自由自主的機會最佳」以及「我認為教育訓練評估成果不斷鼓勵肯定成長提升」問項為要。此外,「組織發展培育」因素則以問項「透過教育訓練,我才了解壽險之相關知識意義與功能」以及「透過教育訓練有關於公司主管在職訓練課程,才對發展與管理組織有概念性」為要。 6. 針對教育工作績效方面而言,「組織團隊管理」因素之重要問項分別為「我認為人才培育管理部門與培育計畫分工與責任」以及「我可以用心傾聽並確認顧客真正關心在意的地方」;「職能升遷管理」因素之重要問項則分別為「目前我的職涯一直都穩定發展」和「整體而言我滿意我目前工作」;最後,「所得分配管理」因素係以「我認為今年度較去年度FYC所得有成長」以及「我認為今年度較去年度新契約件數有成長」為關鍵問項。 7. 教育訓練之「心靈教育潛能」與「組織發展培育」構面對於工作績效有顯著的差異。


壽險業 教育訓練 工作績效


Abstract The life insurance representatives are the source of business income source of insurance companies, and are the core of business. Hence, employee training for the life insurance representatives is important to the company, as the quality of training affects the corporate image of the company and the work performances of the sales representatives. This study aims to discuss the correlation between the life insurance educational training and work performances, and explore whether the training can provide practical experiences and enhance work performances. A questionnaire survey was conducted to the life surance representatives in Jiayi, Yunlin, and Nantou areas. The data were analyzed using SPSS for descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t test, one-way ANOVA, correlational analysis, and regression analysis. Based on the results, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The majority of the respondents are married women, young and middle-aged adults in the age group of 36-45, have an educational level of senior high school (vocational high school) or below, have work experience of less than 3 years, making them willing to accept challenges, whose title is life insurance consultant (SR), and their FYB (first year premium) and FYC (first year commission) are 610,000~1 million NTD and 250,000~720,000 NTD respectively. 2. The cognition to the importance of educational training is in the order of “I learn about the policy contents and professional knowledge after training”, “I learn about the significance and function of relevant insurance knowledge after training”, “I learn about the relation between business system, organization development and function after training” and “I realize that the life insurance representatives should have enthusiasm in their work”. 3. The key factors to influence the work performance are in the order of “I believe only by cultivating customer emotion and establish reputation can the work performance be improved”, “I believe that knowing well about the companies’ products can meet customers’ needs” and “I believe that while selling the products, I can strive a higher profit for the customers”. 4. There is a significant difference in the work performances after training for representatives of different age groups. 5. In terms of the effect of educational training, for the factor “spiritual potential education”, “I think that the educational training process is the best opportunity for independence” and “I think that educational training evaluation achievement continuously encourages and affirms the growth” are the most important. Under the factor “organizational development and cultivation”, “I learn about the significance and function of relevant insurance knowledge after training” and “I learn about business development and management after taking the supervisor training courses in the educational training” are the most important. 6. In terms of the education work performance, the important items under the factor “organizational team management” are “I think talent cultivation and management should have work division and responsibility” and “I can listen to and identify the customers’ needs”. The main items under the factor “promotional management” are “My career has been developing stably” and “Overall, I’m satisfied with my current job”. The main items under the factor “income distribution management” are “I think the FYC of the current year is higher than that of the previous year” and “I think there is an increasing number of new policies this year”. 7. The dimensions of “spiritual potential education” and “organizational development cultivation” of educational training have a significant difference to the work performance.




