  • 學位論文


Photoelectrical and Field Emission Characteristics of In doped ZnO Nanosheets

指導教授 : 楊勝州


本論文主要研究銦參雜氧化鋅奈米片物性分析和探討光電特性實驗主要可分為兩個部分,第一部分是氧化鋅奈米片與銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片之物理特性分析,第二部分簡述製造銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片製成光檢測器和場發射元件之應用。以上研究方向如下: 第一部分:氧化鋅奈米片與銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片之物理特性比較 首先使用丙酮、乙醇與DI-Water清洗玻璃基板,之後將清洗好的玻璃基板上運用SPUTER濺鍍一層氧化鋅晶種層,最後使用硝酸鋅和氫氧化鈉作為反應物,且加入硝酸銦,以低溫水溶液法成長二維氧化鋅奈米片狀結構。之後由SEM、XRD、TEM分析得知氧化鋅奈米片以及銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片平均厚度與平均高度,且奈米片皆為單晶纖鋅礦結構。由EDS得知銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片中有銦的元素存在。 第二部分:銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片光檢測器之研究氧化鋅奈米片光檢測器運用較大的表面體積比和奈米等級厚度的優點,將二維氧化鋅奈米片組成元件。利用波長為365 nm且偏壓1 V之紫外光進行測試,量測結果顯示銦摻雜氧化鋅奈米片有較高的光暗電流比735,同時照光下的反應速度與未照光下的飽和時間常數是4.58s和2.16s在重複量測週期下具有良好的再線性,且具有較佳的穩定性。


In this work, In-doping could significantly improve the optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films. indium (In) doped ZnO nanosheet are grown on a glass substrate by using a low-temperature aqueous solution method .nanostructured PDs could provide a large internal gain due to the high surface-enhanced electron-hole separation efficiency. The effects of In doped ZNO on the morphology, microstructure, luminescence and electrical properties of ZnO nanosheet are investigated. These In doped Zno nanosheets. It was found that In doped Zno nanosheets average length and average thickness were about 2.71 um and 49 nm, respectively. With bias at 1 V, the dark current of ZnO nanosheets and In doped ZnO nanosheets PDs was measured at 7.01 × 10−10 A and 2.23 × 10−9 A, with the photo current of 9.65 × 10−8 A and 1.64 × 10−6 A , respectively. Furthermore, the photocurrent-to-dark current contrast ratio of ZnO nanosheets and In doped ZnO nanosheets PDs was approximately 138 and 735, respectively. shown that doping in the ZnO nanostructures also plays an important role in enhancing the photoconductive gain .


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