  • 學位論文


The Staged-Authentication of the Shopping Area at Shensing Station in Sanyi

指導教授 : 林俊男
共同指導教授 : 黃士哲(Shr-Je Huang)


本研究旨在探討觀光場域中所呈現的活動、文物…等,是否具有地方的文化信實性?或是為滿足遊客的想像而做?又或者是虛構出的一項新文化?為解決這樣的疑問,本文試圖先從學者論述舞台信實性的分類中,探究並釐清四種不同程度的信實區分與形成,將其形成視為是一個動態的過程,因此提出舞台信實化歷程的論點。 本研究將以深度訪談為主要研究邁向,強調對參與者生活經驗的研究,隨時進行資料的辨證與再補充,以三義勝興車站商圈作為個案研究,了解勝興車站商圈之舞台背景、舞台設計者,及舞台的形式,並從論述中詮釋出地方的舞台信實化歷程。 探究其舞台信實化歷程後,察覺一個觀光化的進程,實質上即是舞台信實化的歷程演變,藉此重新定位舞台信實化的意義,從(1)真實的現實(real-reality)、(2)真實化舞台(real-stage)、(3)舞台化真實(staged-real)到(4)虛構舞台(staged-stage)”,前三個舞台皆有其信實化程度的差別,越接近(1)其信實性程度越高,在地文化的保留與傳統的延續性越高;相對的,越接近(3)的舞台信實性程度,其觀光舞台的展示意味就越強烈,在地文化裝飾性越高,越有可能在文化傳遞的過程中,過於強調觀眾的呼喊與掌聲,而忽略了原始文化的意義。 地方應重視勝興車站的價值,並多以文化面向的活動,加強推廣勝興車站的文化意涵,減少過多的硬體建設,並盡力還原勝興車站的歷史原貌,以及相關的導覽、解說,才能喚起遊客對此的情感,並願意出錢出力共同維護此一重要的歷史建築。


The study is to explore if the activities and cultures presented in tourism fields are based on cultural authentication in a region to satisfy tourists’ imaginations, or create a new cultural event. To figure out the answer, the researcher investigated four forms of authentication in staged-authentication, proposed by the previous researchers, and viewed it as a dynamic process; then, the researcher proposesed the points of staged-authentication. As this research aimed at getting a better understanding of participants’ life experiences, in-depth interviews with participants were employed; based on collected data, the researcher elicited and analyzed them. Besides, the researcher took the shopping area at Shengsing Station in Sanyi as the case study to understand its stages background, designers, and forms, and to explain its process of stage-authentication. After exploring its process of staged-authentication, the researcher realizes that the process of tourism is the process of staged-authentication; therefore, the researcher redefines the meanings of staged-authentication, (1) real-reality, (2) real-stage (3) staged-real and (4) staged-stage. The former three stages have the different levels of authentication. The closer to the first form, real-reality, the more authentic it has in cultural preservation and traditional heritage; by contrast, the closer to the third form, staged-real, the less original cultures it has, since it emphasizes on demonstrating staging and decorating it with the local culture. If it puts too much stress on audience’s claps during the cultural inheritance, it may neglect the original meanings of cultures. Therefore, the local government should pay attention to the values of Shengsing Station, promote the cultural meanings in Shengsin Station by launching cultural events, decrease overloading tourism hardware facilities, restore the original history of Shengsing Station, and provide tour guidance and interpretation to recall tourists’ cognitions and to have them willing to pay and to preserve the important historical building.


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